Friday, January 24, 2020
A Figurative Ad :: Advertising Media Essays
A Figurative Ad Advertisements display many examples of ethos, pathos, and logos. Many ads use celebrities and direct emotional appeals toward their audience. The ad I will be talking about is a figure skater endorsing a watch and demonstrating ethos and pathos. Overall, the advertisement is useful and effective when displaying ethos and pathos. Envision a one page advertisement that has enough information to understand what product is being sold. The first thing to draw attention to the eyes is the division of color. The top third of the ad has a black background and the bottom is a white/gray color. In the black part of the ad are a woman’s head and hands. She is looking in to your line of vision and it is clear she is holding her hands up in front of her body but, they appear to be behind because her head is turned toward whoever is looking at the ad. Then, I was drawn to look at the small print underneath her face and the words ‘Sasha Cohen, champion figure skater’ are found. It turns out that the woman in the ad is Sasha Cohen, a famous figure skater. The next part of the advertisement is underneath the black portion containing Sasha Cohen and it shows a watch and lettering. On the page, this watch is so big; it is bigger than the skater’s head. The watch is gold and silver colored with some diamonds on the rim. Clearly this watch is expensive and fashionable. After viewing Sasha Cohen and the watch, the eyes are drawn to read about the product. Beside the watch in the same very small black print used below Sasha Cohen, it says ‘ECO-DRIVE Riva.’ To get a full understanding of the product you have to look at a column of words found on the right side of the ad. In this order, are printed the words ‘UNSTOPPABLE.’ Below that in black and less bold words is ‘SASHA COHEN IS. So is her citizen Eco-Drive.’ ‘Fueled by light, it never needs a battery.’ ‘IT’S UNSTOPPABLE. Just like the people who wear it.’ All these groups of sentences are put together on the ad a nd appear vertically as you read. Then below, you see a symbol of the Citizen Eco-Drive watch and the name below and below that contact information. Now that you have the main visual of the ad, I will explain why this ad demonstrates both ethos and pathos.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Analysis on “A Horse and Two Goatsâ€Â
R.K. Narayan’s story entitled â€Å"A Horse and Two Goats†is a story of innocence and poverty. The narrator of the story illustrated how the main character was pushed into terrible situations due to poverty.Narayan discussed in his story the culture of India as it portrays some of the important traditions that exist within the whole country. It is a depiction of social construction that emerged through the issue of poverty and cultural differences.In the beginning of the story, the narrator illustrated the simple life of the main character and its wife. The couple is rich during their younger days together but as they grow old, all their richness slowly decreased until the time when only 2 of their 40 goats and sheep remain. It shows how poverty in India develops as its people grows old, which is different from other countries that older people are richer that younger people because they already established their lifestyle.In the latter part of the story, humorous atta ck emerged and developed as the author’s way of resolving the conflict of the protagonist. Based on my reading of the story, I have seen that the resolution caused another problem for the couple. It means that it is not a permanent but temporary resolution. It was depicted the humor of the author as he unravel the resolution of the conflict.Another thing is that the conflict lies within the middle part of the story and not in the beginning, which is somehow illogical in the field of literature. That is why confusion started to exists. However, I can see that the author imposed the conflict in the middle part of the story because he wanted to discuss the culture and tradition of India.Nevertheless, it can be seen that the author could not able to incorporate the things that he wanted to justify in the beginning of the story to the main conflict in order to make the audience hang from the beginning up to the end.ReferenceNarayan, R.K. A Horse and Two Goats. 273-290
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Beloved by Toni Morrison - 1455 Words
Throughout history, numerous people were victims of slavery. Many people were tortured and worked to death and suffered horrifically. Not many slaves knew their mothers because they were torn from their homes. Many slave women were robbed of their innocence by their masters. Behind the face of every slave, there is always a very traumatic unforgettable story which is not something to pass on, but a lesson to remember from repeating same mistake again. Only a handful of slaves learned to read and write, and from their stories we can read the horrors they went through. Slave narratives brings these hardships to light and shed insight on the pain and suffering of slaves, narratives such as, Incidents in The Life Of A Slave Harriet Jacobs,The narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave. Novels such as Beloved by Toni Morrison blend the slave narratives with fiction highlight the life after slavery and the struggle faced by former slaves to adjust their lives t o freedom. According to Paul E. Lovejoy’s ‘Freedom Narratives’ of Transatlantic Slavery, he states that ‘slave narratives’ are better described as freedom narratives. He says â€Å"the accounts being referred to were actually written by individuals who achieved their freedom or were dictated to compilers who recounted the quest for freedom†(Lovejoy,1). These narratives are either written by the people who underwent the trials of slavery or dictated to and written by another person who knew how toShow MoreRelatedBeloved, By Toni Morrison Essay1576 Words  | 7 Pagesreading Toni Morrison’s novel Beloved, I could not help but feel shocked and taken aback by the detailed picture of life she painted for slaves at the time in American history. The grotesque and twisted nature of life during the era of slavery in America is an opposite world from the politically correct world of 2016. Morrison did not hold back about the harsh realities of slavery. Ba sed on a true story, Toni Morrison wrote Beloved about the life of Sethe, a slave and her family. Toni Morrison leftRead MoreBeloved, By Toni Morrison1571 Words  | 7 PagesIn the novel, Beloved, written by Toni Morrison, many themes and symbols played a crucial role when analyzing a variety of different characters. One specific theme that has had an everlasting effect between characters and relationships throughout the novel is the transformation of the theme thick love. The idea of love in Toni Morrison s Beloved is a complicated subject to understand. If love wasn t hard enough to figure out, it is made more complex through the evils of slavery during this timeRead MoreBeloved by Toni Morrison2137 Words  | 8 PagesToni Morrison explores the idea of slavery through her novel, Beloved, by using a variety of literary techniques and postmodern concepts. The idea of the rememory is a major theme throughout the novel that Toni Morrison uses to introduce the lives of Denver and Sethe and the idea of slavery. Rememory is the act of remembering a memory that happened in the past. Beloved, depicted as a ghost, exemplifies the idea of rememory for Sethe because she brings back many memories to Sethe’s mind. ThroughoutRead MoreBeloved by Toni Morrison622 Words  | 3 Pages In the novel Beloved by Toni Morrison, Morrison has created two very powerful characters: Denver and Beloved. Denver and Beloved are sisters, but in a sense, they werent always. It used to just be Denver and her mother, Sethe, that lived together in a house. That house was passed down to them by Denvers grandmother, Baby Suggs, which was given to her by a white couple who were out to help the blacks. Sethe and Denver were very content with the way things were. Sethe had a paying job as a cookRead More`` Beloved `` By Toni Morrison2097 Words  | 9 Pages â€Å"Beloved†by Toni Morrison is a historical/fictional novel that deals with the idea of the supernatural and the repercussions of slavery towards a society and the individual persona. The novel explores the wreckage slavery brings upon its characters in all senses of the self. They have been freed from slavery but the psychological trauma endured remains constant; leading them to do the unthinkable. In the novel Morrison utilizes the character of Beloved to represent the ghost of slavery in anRead MoreBeloved, Beloved By Toni Morrison1774 Words  | 8 PagesIn Toni Morrison’s novel, Beloved, Beloved is an enigmatic character. Throughout the novel, it is implied that Beloved is a reincarnation of Sethe’s dead child. However, Beloved is not just a physical embodiment of Sethe’s dead baby. Instead, Beloved is a representation of slavery and the suffering associated with slavery. Morrison displays that Beloved is a representation of slavery by the conv ersations and thoughts characters have about Beloved. Morrison also displays Beloved as a representationRead More`` Beloved `` By Toni Morrison Essay1726 Words  | 7 Pages Distinguished African-American novelist, Toni Morrison, in her notoriously suspenseful anachronic masterpiece, Beloved, tells the story of a fugitive slave named Sethe who escaped from the Sweet Home plantation in Kentucky to Cincinnati, Ohio, a free state. She lives freely with her husband’s grandmother for twenty-eight days until the slave masters come to capture her. Frightened, she attempts to murder all of her children to prevent them from living a life of dehumanized servitude but only succeedsRead MoreBeloved by Toni Morrison769 Words  | 3 PagesBeloved is the character who lends her name to the title of Morrison’s novel, isnt really a flesh-and-blood character at all, she’s is a ghost. It is this fact that makes the presence of the character a symbol in terms of her effect on the narrative and the other characters so profound. For a ghost, Beloved exerts a ton and control over most of the characters, affecting nearly every part of their lives, their ability to live in peace, their ability to love one another, and to move on with theirRead More`` Beloved `` By Toni Morrison906 Words  | 4 PagesGothic Literature normally, if not always, has a haunting. In â€Å"Beloved†by Toni Morrison there is a haunting of 124. 124 is being haunted by Sethe’s daughter who is the character Beloved. The haunts in Gothic Literature can also be a non-physical haunting, a haunting in the head. Sethe has not been haunted by Beloved physically, but mentally. The bond that a mother has for a child is so tight and loving. There is no real way to understand this bond unless someone has personally been a mother. TheRead MoreToni Morrison s Beloved And Beloved1376 Words  | 6 PagesToni Morrison brings another surprise to the story of Beloved. The addition of character Beloved conceals whole meaning Morrison tries to conduct to the readers. So far, character Beloved is portrayed as an innocent, pure, yet egotistic girl. Beloved also presumably the incarnation of Sethe’s dead baby, whose tomb is engraved Beloved. Morrison offers supernatural element in the story to create mysterious and spooky atmosphere, which raise curiosity and excite readers even more. Beloved is seen
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