Sunday, August 23, 2020
Moral Theory of Kant Essay
3 Steps to Acing Your Upcoming Group Interview You’ve been approached in for a board meet. Perhaps you’re threatened. Perhaps frightened. Possibly you’re not even sure you comprehend what that really involves. Whatever your degree of fear, here are three simple strides to traversing your board meet tranquilly and in one piece. Stage 1: BEFOREYou reserve the privilege to ask who will be on your board. Do this. At that point inquire about each board part as well as could be expected. You’ll have the option to make sense of a considerable amount and get ready better for what each may be generally quick to ask you. What does this specific gathering of individuals educate you regarding what the organization is attempting to assess?You can likewise ask to what extent (generally) the meeting should last. This will give you a nice sentiment for what amount to and fro conversation will be conceivable, how much space you’ll be given to pose inquiries, to what extent your answers can be, etc.Step 2: DURING Treat every individual on the board like an individual not simply one more anonymous face. This isn't an indifferent divider asking you inquiries. Every questioner on your board is another chance to make a human association and persuade that a lot more individuals in the organization what an extraordinary fit you would be.Be sure to observe everybody’s name as they are presented. Record every one if that causes you recall. When responding to questions, talk straightforwardly to the person who asked, yet then attempt to widen your answer out to cause the remainder of the board to feel remembered for the discussion.Step 3: AFTERYou’ve took in their names and put forth an attempt to interface with each board part presently thank every single one of them earnestly withâ solid eye to eye connection and a quality handshake. From that point forward, it’s the typical post-meet follow-up methodology. Be that as it may, recall that you have to keep in touch with one card to say thanks for each board part. It appears to be a torment, however it’s these little contacts that will help set you apart.The board talk with: 6 hints for previously, during, and after
Friday, August 21, 2020
The Iroquois myth Essay Example for Free
The Iroquois legend Essay All through time there have been numerous legends about creation and the parity of good and abhorrence in the world.â Examining an Iroquios, Penobscot, and Christian fantasy there are striking similitudes. By investigating the convictions behind these legends we are likewise investigating how individuals have seen creation, the equalization of good and underhandedness, and human penance after some time. The Iroquois fantasy, â€Å"Skywoman†, shares convictions about the formation of the world.â It initially discusses the sky above and the wonderful origination of Skywoman.  Skywomen’s father is the first beyond words this world and she in just ready to be reassured by visiting his body or grave.â Father’s soul advises her to take a risky excursion to the town of her destined to be husband.â Once there she, similar to her mom, gets pregnant without having intercourse.â Her better half turns out to be very desirous and kicks her through a gap to the following world.â She is spared by flying ducks and a turtle and brings forth a little girl. This little girl develops and gets pregnant with twin young men to the soul of the turtle. The young men represent the start of good and evil.â The insidious twin executes his mom in birth.â The grandma accepts the great twin murdered her girl and he is ousted from their home.â The great twin makes another world comprising of mortal people, straight streams, eatable plants, and creatures who penance themselves for human consumption.â The awful twin does all that he can to make life hard for the people including making maize hard so it must be ground before it tends to be eaten, making a few creatures predators to people, and making moving slopes and twisting waterways to make travel more earnestly.  â â â â â â â â â â The Penobscot fantasy is likewise about creation.â In this legend the individuals are conceived from the components of the earth; the man is conceived from the sea, â€Å"the froth of the wave†and his significant other is conceived â€Å"because a drop of dew fell on a leaf and is warmed by the sun.†â The couple have youngsters, who have kids, and the individuals make due by hunting.â One day the creatures are gone and the family is starving.â The spouse discloses to her better half that she should be relinquished if the family is to survive.â She gives him explicit directions and she is sacrificed.â Her body is utilized to feed the land and after seven moons there are palatable plants and tobacco at her resting place.  â â â â â â â â â â There are numerous legends all through the world and since the beginning about the making of the world as we probably am aware it.â It is intriguing that so regularly these fantasies from a wide range of societies and religions have comparable ideas.â I discover one of the most well-known accounts of creation to be that of Christian nature with the narrative of Adam and Eve.â In this story Adam and Eve are living in the Garden of Eden, an unadulterated world.â In this world there is no disgrace and a lot of food and water.â â The world as we probably am aware it reaches a conclusion when the underhanded snake steps in and makes temptation.â Thus the world as we probably am aware it is currently is made with acceptable and abhorrent both assuming a job.  â â â â â â â â â â I think that its interesting that across time, seas, and social limits individuals have had such comparative thoughts regarding creation, the nearness of good and abhorrence on the planet, and sacrifice.â In numerous fantasies about creation the world is made from paradise and heck, or on account of the Iroquois legend from the sky world and the black market, or from the earth as found in the Penobscot myth.â In the Iroquois and Christian fantasy there is constantly a battle to discover the harmony among great and malice, the Iroquois twins or the snake enticing Adam.â There is additionally the reoccurring topic of sacrifice.â In the Iroquois fantasy the twins’ mother was relinquished during childbirth.  The creatures in this legend initially offered to be yielded for human consumption.â The main mother relinquished herself in the Pencobost fantasy to the earth and to make nourishment for her children.â I accept that it has been known for a long time that once these necessities are satisfied then we can proceed onward to satisfy our mental needs, for example, acknowledgment and love.â Human nature crosses tons of people.â basically I feel that individuals have constantly comprehended what they need and need out of life.â The parity of good and shrewdness becomes an integral factor on account of the methods of which individuals decide to approach acquiring their needs and needs.
Saturday, July 11, 2020
Dissertation Writing Services - Use Their Services to Make Your Dissertation Writing More Popular
Dissertation Writing Services - Use Their Services to Make Your Dissertation Writing More PopularWriting a dissertation for the university can be quite a frustrating task. However, with the right dissertation writing services, the task becomes a lot easier and faster. All that is required is the help of a good writing service that is capable of writing your dissertation in such a way that it is readable and interesting. With proper attention to detail, you can make your thesis article captivating enough to grab the attention of readers.Not many people realize the importance of using quality writing to their advantage. This is one of the reasons why many professors prefer to hire dissertation writing services for their students. These services offer dissertation services at cheap rates because they have to generate income after writing the article. There are many available services on the internet which can be searched under 'dissertation writing'.Dissertatio is not just one of the co mmon writing assignments offered by a student. In fact, it is a source of pride for students who are doing well in their academic program. With the help of a good service, the task is not an easy one.Though writing a dissertation is not considered as a high level of writing, it is a very important aspect of students' educational process. Even some of the most well-known names in the field have written dissertations. In fact, it is also one of the things that not many people are willing to do. So, hiring dissertation writing services becomes necessary if you want to make your thesis stand out from the rest.Besides, there are some best and professional companies which offer the same services on paper and online. The goal of these companies is to help students write essays using modern and best writing style guides that can be found online. Also, the quality of their articles helps students to use essay writing as a form of communication tool that includes a unique skill of presentatio n.The task of making a good dissertation article is not as hard as it may sound. Moreover, the task of finding good dissertation writing services becomes easier once you check online. Using online resources, you can check out different writing services and choose a few. You can also choose some from among the online companies so that you will get a large number of articles.Many a times, the dissertation writing services work as agents of choice for both professor and student. The aim of these companies is to improve the reputation of their company and show the students the importance of this writing assignment. With all the effort, these companies will give you the best services at competitive rates. So, take the help of them and start writing!
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
John Updike A P Essay - 701 Words
The story is AP to make a article Updike that is attention about Sammy was these Queenie. It’s impression make a uncomfortable in the store to ... (((Continue essay))) In the article, John Updike’s AP was the success in the story his coming of age because he will have a information. What else is the short story â€Å"AP†being experience with some of the journey make their minds. Maybe he would like to be seeking from the stories wants to know about discussions about explain. There in the values of life is used commitment are in the process. This is a together in action for their story for Updike’s critical reception, â€Å"A P†is one of Updike’s most anthologized and most popular stories†(Sheets, 319). I know to get people want certainty to†¦show more content†¦Queenie made straight with friends said to us in AP supermarket that it was not indignantly from the cashier in Sammy works. She feels like to embarrassed in the supermarket to cashier can be along with him. The girls leave to store in cashier then Sammy can out a job. He quit was emotional to lose the job because she leaves away become a life for awkward. As he will change to get close to finish preparing away perhaps. That is Updike was saying to the reader of the story before direction. Sammy make an eye his view the girls arrived at the supermarket was release, â€Å"The suggestion here, instead, is that Updike pokes gentle fun at Sammy because he succumbs to the girls who are cast in the roles of the legendary Sirens – the mythological temptresses who lured unwary males to their destruction†(Blodgett, 328). Consider after decision for a Queenie because he makes them suppose able to contestants. ((((Continue Essay)))) The moment of Sammy has a plain rathe to known that the girls should have a result. â€Å"Because Updike wrote â€Å"A P †for The New Yorker, the story assumes a reader whose response to Sammy can go far beyond what the character can articulate for himself (Saldivar, 312). They are deciding to .... ((CotnicneShow MoreRelatedExplication Essay of aP by John Updike1067 Words  | 5 PagesEssay 1-Explication Essay of Aamp;P by John Updike We have all had that moment of clarity when we realize, no longer children, our decisions can greatly impact the course of our future. Aamp;P gives an insight into the main character’s realization of how he perceives his life, the lives of those around him, and how with one impulsive decision he forever changed the course of his life. 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Stoksie and LengelRead MoreThe External/Internal Conflicts in aP778 Words  | 4 PagesRoel Luna Jr. June 9, 2013 Essay 1 Mr. Cardenas The External/Internal Conflict in Aamp;P by John Updike After reading John Updike’s short story â€Å"Aamp;P†, it is clear that conflict is present from beginning to end. The general conflict carried throughout the story is centered on conformity. A few examples of conflict presented in this story include Sammy versus his opposition of the store’s structure and community’s mindset, Lengel verses the girls and Sammy versus himself. As the storyRead MoreThe Significance of Minor Characters in AP Essay1217 Words  | 5 PagesStory Essay #2- Essay 1 Revision-â€Å"Aamp;P†10/11/10 Word Count: 1172 â€Å"The Significance of Minor Characters in â€Å"Aamp;P††Minor characters are crucial to a reader’s understanding of any story. In John Updike’s short story, â€Å"Aamp;P†this idea is very apparent. In this short story, two of the minor characters are quite important. These two minor characters are Queenie, a young women shopper and Lengel, the manager of the Aamp;P. Qeenie and Lengel are vital minor characters, as Updike uses
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Social Injustices The Ballad Of The Landlord And Madam...
Social Injustices in the Ballad of the Landlord and Madam and the Rent Man The Ballad of the Landlord and Madam and the Rent Man are both poems written by Langston Hughes in which he explores the extremity of African Americans in the 20th century. Hughes was a major voice through his artistic contributions to the Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s. In his writings he talks more about the culture and sufferings of African Americans. During the 20th century, blacks suffered several unfair treatments such as tenant evictions, rental issues, and jail terms from their white Landlords. First of all, the tenant complains to the landlord to fix up the apartment. However, the landlord continually ignores the tenant s apartment problems. The tenant calls, Landlord, Landlord, my roof has sprung a leak. Don t you member I told you about it. Way Last week? (Ln 1-4). The tenant becomes angry at the Landlord for demanding rent. While on the contrary, the tenant refuses to pay the Landlord. Even thoug h, the tenant shows his unhappiness with the landlord for turning deaf ears to his request to fix up his apartment by expressing violence. Despite the tenant s worries the landlord proclaims him as a communist. He says, Police! Police! Come get this man! He s trying to ruin the government! And overturn the land! The tenant ends up in County jail for 90 days for protesting his rights to his landlord. The landlord says I control the police and the judges and you,Show MoreRelatedLangston Hughes Research Paper25309 Words  | 102 Pageshe was a small child, and he was excited about making the trip. However, during this visit, no affectionate bond would develop between Langston and Jim. Jim Hughes was a cold, difficult man, who was driven by ambition to make money and achieve respect. He had moved to Mexico to avoid segregation and racial injustice in the United States. As the manager of an electric company and owner of a ranch and mines, Jim expressed contempt for black Americans who continued to submit to segregation and live in
Leading And Managing People
Question: Discuss about theLeading And Managing People. Answer: Introduction: Leadership is a very subjective term and is a skill set that a person possesses so as to lead a team or an organization successfully towards the achievement of certain set goals or aims in life or the organization or any other such field. A leader is somebody who does not do the right things only by himself but also ensures to get the right thing done by others in the most appropriate manner. Leaders are not seen only in an organization or a workplace. They are in the political front, amongst a cricket team or a football team to name a few. Leadership entails with it various other concepts such as that of ethical standards to follow, how to develop the said quality of leadership, the various theories spelt out by eminent scholars with regards the leadership styles and how leaders lead a multicultural background with persuasion. It is rightly said at times that leadership style is inborn but the said phrase is not true fully (Taylor, 2016). There are some people who if work upon the s aid skill can become very good leaders. Leadership qualities can be imbibed with adequate training as well as observing the other leaders carefully. In the said essay the leadership style and how they led or are still leading successfully of three most eminent leaders would be discussed in detail. Mahatma Gandhi was a freedom fighter of India who was a major driving force and a very strong leader who led the masses and ensured that India gets its independence. The second leader which the essay describes about is Nelson Mandela, an African leader who is respected by the world and amongst all politicians. His leadership style was such that shook people both within South Africa and outside the country too. He was a very peaceful leader like Mahatma Gandhi. The third leader about him the essay discusses is Barack Obama, the President of United States of America (USA). He is one person who knows that in order to become an effective leader he should practice the policy of democracy in its true sense and not in its literal sense. He took over the charge of USA when the country was in a very dismal state of affairs due to the global fina ncial crisis of 2008, but his strong leadership skill enabled him to pull the country out of the same with full vigour and dynamism. Mahatma Gandhi- Great Leader of India Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, popularly known as Mahatma Gandhi was one of the biggest freedom fighter of India who led the country towards achieving its independence from the Britishers in the year 1947. He was a very strong and an eminent leader of India, who is known worldwide for his exclusive leadership styles. Mahatma Gandhi was a true example of what leadership ethics mean. His life was full of moral values which were very critically blended with his personal as well as public life; his principles were so strong and ethical that it motivated the masses of India very sternly (Dhiman, 2015). He was a statue of truth and only truth. His philosophy was very simple. He was a true figure of self efficacy and always said that one person is enough to make a change. He was not physically a strong man but according to him strength comes from ones thought processes. Mahatma Gandhis leadership theory was based upon non-violence or as is rightly said ahimsa and satyagraha i.e. truth is the ultimate solution for all tyranny. He was not only known as a political leader but his leadership was very much prevalent in the spiritual field as well. This man preached satyagraha and said that in order to attain peace in country, the first step should be to gain peace within ones own self else it will not be possible for a person to fight truthfully and non-violently (Reynafarje, 2012). He has lead various campaigns across India during his reign for the upliftment of the masses from poverty, ensuring women get the rights they deserve and build an aura of religious harmony. He discarded the existence of caste system and was even jailed many a times because of his rallies. But he proved that truth always wins over the false and it was his great leadership which ended up freeing India from the tyrannical rule of Britain. A leader is viewed as a person who is self-disciplined but this man said that by just being disciplined do not make one a great leader. The same should be coupled with a clear vision and trust. The Gandhian philosophy of evolution of leadership stood upon the concept of Swaraj which pointed out the fact that people should fight for freeing themselves but at the same time the people around should also be helped as by not doing so they were tightening their won chains of slavery further (Das, 2012). His leadership preached the following lessons to all: An individual cannot do good to himself in isolation, and that it pervades towards doing good to all. The earning rights are same for all classes of the society A life of hard work is worth living. That there was only one culture which al should follow as ultimately all belong to one democratic nation. Nelson Mandela- Leader of South Africa Nelson Mandela was known for his revolutionary style of leadership. Leaders like him have proved that for becoming a successful and a powerful leader one must not know how to deliver heavy and bold speeches in the public but it is the deeds that matter. Similarly Nelson Mandela was also one such leader who distinguishing qualities has ensured that the world becomes a better place to live. He was a political leader who introduced the concept of democracy in South Africa. His style clearly defines that there should be a vision which is to be achieved and a motivational factor so as to drive the masses towards achievement of the set goals. Africa was one such country where inequality was practiced at its highest possible level. Mandelas vision was to eradicate the same and provide freedom and equality to all men in Africa. One man who in spite of being behind the bars for more than two decades had always believed that one day Africa will be a free and equalized nation. It was this trust and peace loving attitude of his that he was chosen as the first president of South Africa (Schoemaker, Krupp, 2014). Nelson Mandelas vision was to embrace the purpose of helping the society and the country. He as a leader was very practical in his thoughts and always reiterated that change is not welcomed so easily by all but to enable the same the leader has to be trustworthy. He preached the concept of fighting for ones own vision and mission which would be for the benefit of the society as well (Ciares, 2013). Nelson Mandela followed all the leadership ethics. He believed in avoiding violence as much as possible, however the same did not hold good when it came to fight against the apartheid. Yet he was honest and responsible towards his duties and tried to keep violence as low as possible. Nelson Mandela followed the utilitarianism theory of leadership style (Smith, 2013). Thus he believed and taught to his followers to do such acts which would end up giving happiness to the majority. Social benefit maximization was his soul aim. A leader is praised for his charisma. It is this trait which made him successful in freeing Africa. He use to relate with his followers and poised an attitude of empathy. He was obedient in his acts, clear in his vision, against violence but at the same time fought against apartheid by staying inside the jail also (Tucker, 2013). This was the kind of inspiration he inculcated within his followers. Leading the masses by staying behind the bars is not an easy task, but Mandelas belief in his vision never deterred him from achieving his goals. He even made people aware about the importance of education and how one could uplift his or her social life. He was so much inclined towards education that as a leader he confronted the Western Area of Africa and introduced Bantu Education (Adams, 2013). He was against racial discrimination and hence asked his followers to self educate themselves and fight for the unfair. One such was his voice against the prominent discrimination amongst the races. Thus as a leader one could say that Nelson Mandela adapted such a charismatic style of leadership that it moved the masses even when he was inside the jail. He continued to fight against apartheid till he attained success, thus through his perseverance he could reach his goals (Stengel, 2012). His communicating skills were so strong that people got easily swayed by his views and followed him blind-folded, this was the kind of trust his leadership style generated. His attitude towards work, his trust towards his own vision, his humble nature and charismatic trait inspired people then and continues to inspire the world even now. Barack Obama- US President One leader who could bring USA out of the horrifying crisis of 2008- Barack Obamas style of leadership is conventional. He is a very strong orator and leader. He was a follower of two leadership theories namely deontology and teleological ethical theory. He rose as a powerful leader as Barack Obama also followed the democratic style of leadership wherein he prioritized the interest of his country above personal or specific interest. He was a transformational leader as he focussed on transforming his team. He concentrated upon his followers and motivated them continuously with regards their capability of performing excellently. He nurtured the leadership quality of his people as well. Along with the same a transformational leader is one who is very influential, full of ethical values embedded in his views and actions (Jones, 2009). Such kind of a style is highly regarded as compared to the other styles of leadership as it continuously encourages its followers to perform high in an innovative and a creative manner. Barack Obama possessed all of the above traits of leadership. He is always actively involved with his people. Americans were so demoralised after the financial crisis of 2008 that it was a necessity for him to connect with the citizens directly. This is the most striking trait of a transformational leader. His speech had an appeal to the working as well the middle class people as they comprised of the majority. A strong leader is one who develops a positive connection with his people and citizens of the country; this is what Barack Obama did and successfully enabled the country fight the crisis in no time. He emerged as a leader for the people who did not have any greed for power (Maraniss, 2016). His oration proved to the world that he was not a normal leader but somebody with an extraordinary intellectual quality. His speech made people believe in him and America which was broken into pieces through race, class and nationality was once again united. This could have been possible fo r him because of his extraordinary style of leadership. Another very important thing to notice was that his style was very similar to that of Martin Luther King, a very influential leader of the past. This equation between the two also enabled him to sail through the masses successfully. A good leader is one who can get things done by others. His speech had words like us and we as he believes in sharing the social identity with his team (Calhoun, 2016). He is a true figure of self-efficacy who believes in himself and campaigned by reemphasizing on one phrase change we can believe in. This quality of efficacy supported him to fight successfully hen people were against him because he trusted his own beliefs, mission, vision and passion. Lastly Barack Obamas communication style was far-fetched from other eminent leaders across the globe. He believed in communicating not only via media or emails or bulletins but by direct contact with his audiences. He looks every angle of his president ship with a positive outlook. Once a mission is accomplished, instead of resting back for few days he immediately tells his people This was a good day America. Lets get back to work., and it is this dynamism which enabled him to fulfil maximum agenda that he had listed to be accomplished in his two terms of leadership. Thus he is one of the very few powerful leaders found in todays scenario (The Peoples View, 2011). After the great leaders such as Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther, nelson Mandela to name a few, this world had lost hope of having another such powerful and influential leader ever. But the said notion was shattered when this great leader came to power and walked with the masses, for the masses and of the masses. He always maintained a balance between his professional and personal life which was also inspirational for many who are unable to concentrate upon both the sides of life easily. Comparison Between the Leadership Styles In this section we would compare the leadership styles of the three leaders based on the following factors: Leadership ethics Evolution of leadership Psychology of leadership Multi-cultural leadership Leadership theory First and foremost the three eminent leaders Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela and Barack Obama all three had maintained high degrees of ethical standards while leading their respective countries. Mahatma Gandhis ethical theories emphasized upon self cleanliness both internally as well as externally, non-violence and truth. He faced a lot of resentment from the Britishers yet he never left his moral values and integrity (Nair, 1994). Nelson Mandela was also a peace loving man who was against violence. In spite of being behind the bars for twenty seven years he did not deter himself from his ethical values. He introduced the moral dimension of his struggle against the apartheid and was one such leader whose moral values were applauded by his opponents as well (Chris, 2015). Similarly Barack Obama is also reported as an ethical leader. He adorned the ethical practice by stating that secrecy should not be maintained within a team. High degree of transparency will lead to greater ethical be haviour. He was one person who had concentrated his efforts towards development of the health care facilities. After facing adequate amount of dissertations for the same he finally succeeded as ethics won over evil. He never compromised on his integrity in order to gain profits (Hardwick, 2010). Thus on comparing the three it is very evident that Barack Obamas leadership style of ethics although good but not as effective as that of Nelson Mandela who could even drive the opponents to his favour. Secondly, the three leaders evolved in three different situations. Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela evolved as a leader in lieu of fighting for freedom for their country. Their evolution was due to oppression that they had to face from years. However Barack Obamas evolution as a leader was more out of compulsion since USA was in a very dismal state of affairs and they lacked trust and confidence amongst themselves. To regain the same they needed a leader who could instil the lost trust. Barack Obama was more of a reformist than a freedom fighter. In this scenario the leadership style of Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela was more attractive for the masses as they had to fight a war with peace. They had various restrictions and were deprived of many powers which were easily available for the president. Thirdly, psychology leadership which is a leadership quality that influences its followers to work towards attainment of common goals. Although the term coined is new but the concept existed before 21st century as well and was practiced by various other leaders like Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela. All had understood the psychology of the people they meant to lead and also attained freedom in their respective areas but what Mahatma Gandhi followed to understand the psychology of people first before leading had a lasting impression world-wide and even enabled to guide other leaders like Nelson Mandela. Fourthly multicultural leadership is the most important quality in this contemporary globalized economy. People of varying cultures are disseminated across the globe and hence the requirement of a leader who understands the importance of culture is the need of the hour. Barack Obama is one such leader who has emerged with his quality of multi cultural leadership style. He himself belonged to a multicultural race an hence understood the concept at its best. Thus he is one man who preached multicultural leadership in his tenure. Lastly the adaption of leadership theories by the three eminent leaders were varying in nature. Mahatma Gandhis theory was known as servant-leadership theory wherein he considered the leaders to be viewed as servants (Barnabas, Clifford, 2012). Nelson Mandela however adopted the utilitarianism theory wherein he followed such a kind of moral action which induced maximum utility and Barack Obama adopted the theory of transformation (Samllwood, 2009). In todays global scenario transformation and maximum utility is what people view rather than acting as servants. Conclusion Therefore it is very evident that although Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela have lead their nations remarkably yet in todays global scenario the same will not work as successfully as it had worked then. Their leadership styles were basically towards ensuring freedom from oppression. Barack Obamas style of leadership is what the young generation looks forward to. One such style which is full of charisma which ensures that transformation though a difficult task but not impossible. He who sees every ending as a reason to begin something new is what this world requires. Globalization doesnt give room for rest and this is what is evident in his style of leadership. References: Adams, S., (2013), Nelson Mandela : A Great Leader Dies, The Forbes, Available at (Accessed 02nd September 2016) Barnabas, A., Clifford, P.S., (2012), Mahatma Gandhi An Indian Model of Servant Leadership, International Journal of Leadership Studies, vol.7, no.2, pp. 132-150 Calhoun, L., (2016), 5 Leadership Lessons From Obama, Available at : (Accessed 02nd September 2016) Ciares, J., (2013), 7 Leadership Lessons Inspired by Nelson Mandela, The Huffington Post, Available at (Accessed 02nd September 2016) Chris, J., (2015), 5 Nelson Mandela leadership Style Secrets, Available at (Accessed 02nd September 2016) Das, D.K., (2012), Relevance of Gandhian Philosophy in Contemporary Period, Prathidwani: A Journal of humanities and Social Science, vol. 1, no. II, pp. 307-318 Dhiman, S., (2015), Gandhi and Leadership: New Horizons in Exemplary Leadership, Palgrave Macmillan: UK Jones, J.M., (2009), Obamas Leadership Qualities Stand Out to Americans, Available at : (Accessed 02nd September 2016) Hardwick, P., (2010), The leadership styles of President Obama, Mississippi Business Journal, Available at : (Accessed 02nd September 2016) Maraniss, D., (2016), Obamas Legacy: From the Affordable Care Act to the opening of relations with Cuba , Obama will leave behind a legacy of liberal achievement, Available at : (Accessed 02nd September 2016) Nair, K., (1994), A higher standard of leadership : Lessons from the life of Gandhi, Berrett-Koehler Publishers: San Francisco Reynafarje, A., (2012), Mahatma Gandhi, Available at (Accessed 02nd September 2016) Schoemaker, P.J.H., Krupp, S., (2014), 6 Principles that made Nelson Mandela a renowned leader, Fortune, Available at (Accessed 02nd September 2016) Samllwood, N., (2009), Judging Obama as a Leader, Forbes, Available at (Accessed 02nd September 2016) Smith, E., (2013), The Leadership Elements That Made Nelson Mandela An Icon, Available at (Accessed 02nd September 2016) Stengel, R., (2012), Nelson Mandela: Portrait of an extraordinary man , Virgin: London Taylor, N.F., (2016), What Makes a Great Leader? 7 Pros Share Their Views, Business News Daily, Available at: (Accessed 02nd September 2016) The Peoples View, (2011), President Obamas Five Leadership Attributes, Available at (Accessed 02nd September 2016) Tucker, J., (2013), Nelson Mandela and great leader theories of democratisation, The Washington Post, Available at (Accessed 02nd September 2016) Leading and Managing People Question: Discuss about the Leading and Managing People. Anawer: I would like to thank my mentor and team members for helping me not only for accomplishing the assignment but also for providing me the opportunity for learning important traits for working as a team. I would also like to acknowledge my gratitude towards my mentor for giving me the chance to work as a team. I have learned that unity, goal- orientation and self- consciousness plays a crucial role for effective teamwork. I also believe that effectiveness of the team can only be attained if every team member had clear and demanding performance goals and these traits I have experienced from my team. Furthermore, I would like to say that my team members encouraged me and maintained an informal atmosphere so that the work can be completed efficiently without any conflicts among us. I have also learned that every individual is important for a team, as poor performance of one may result in the negative outcome of the entire project. I can also relate this learning to my experience while bein g in the team. Initially, I feel difficulty in completion of the task in time and the approach to complete the assignment. However, my team members not only motivates me but also taught me with effective ideas for selecting an approach for task completion. I also believe that this experience will help me in the future for playing the role of an effective team member in my workplace. Once, again I would also thank everyone for helping me with my task and my personal development.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
World History Essay Example
World History Paper AP World History Reading Guide Ch 20 The Muslim Empires 1) Which of the following was NOT one of the early modern Islamic empires? * Ottoman * Abbasid * Gujarat * Mughal * Safavid 2) How were the three Muslim early modern empires similar? 3) What were the differences between the various Muslim early modern empires? 4) Prior to the Mongol invasions of their empire, the Abbasid dynasty was dominated by what group? 5) The original base of the Ottoman Turks was where? 6) Following the Timurid invasions, the Ottoman Empire was restored under what leader? ) The Ottomans conquered Constantinople and ended the Byzantine Empire in what year? 8) Describe Ottoman naval. 9) Who were the Janissaries? 10) What permitted the Janissaries to gain a position of prominence in the Ottoman Empire? 11) The head of the Ottoman central bureaucracy was the†¦? 12) What was the principle of succession within the Ottoman Empire? 13) One of the most beautiful of the Ottoman mosques of Constantinople was the ? 14) What did the Ottomans do to Constantinople following its fall in 1453? 15) In what way were the artisans of Constantinople similar to their counterparts in the West? 6) What was the chosen language of the Ottoman court? 17) How did the Ottoman dynasty compare to other ruling families? 18) What were the causes for the decline of the Ottoman Empire? 19) On the sea, the Ottoman galleys were eclipsed by Western naval power as early as? 20) What European nation first threatened the Ottoman monopoly of trade with East Africa and India? 21) What were the results of the Ottoman loss of monopoly over the Indian trade? 22) Which group represented such extreme conservatism within the Ottoman Empire that reform was frustrated? 3) What were the differences between the declines of the Abbasids and the Ottomans? 24) What were the differences between the origins of the Ottomans and the Safavids? 25) The center of the Safavid Empire was the modern-day state of? 26) The Safavid dynasty had its origins in the fourteenth century in a family devoted to what variant of Islam? 27) In what year was the first Safavid declared Shah? 28) Followers of the Safavids followers were called? 29) The first Safavid Shah was? 30) Why was the battle of Chaldiran in 1514 so important? 31) The Safavid Empire reached its greatest extent under Shah†¦? 2) What was the status of the Turkic chiefs under the Safavid Shahs? 33) After Chaldiran, the official language of the Safavid Empire became? 34) The capital of the Safavid Empire under Abbas the Great was? 35) How did the Safavids economy compare to that of the Ottomans? 36) What led to the rapid demise of the Safavid Empire? 37) The immediate successor of the Safavid dynasty in Persia was? 38) Who was the founder of the Mughal dynasty? 39) The first Mughal emperor successfully defeated the Muslim ruler of the Lodi dynasty in 1526 at the battle of? 0) Describe the accomplishments / life of Babur 41) Describe the reign of Humayan. 42) Describ e the reign of Akbar. 43) What was the critical feature of Akbars new religion, the Din-i-Ilahi? 44) What was the outcome of the Din-i-Ilahi? 45) Describe the economy of the Mughal Empire. 46) What was the state of the Mughal dynasty at the outset of the reign of Aurangzeb? 47) What were the goals of Aurangzeb? 48) What was the impact of Aurangzebs religious policies? 49) What was the state of the Mughal Empire following Aurangzebs death in 1707? 50) Describe the relationship of the Muslim empires to the West.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Telecommunications Act Essay Example
Telecommunications Act Essay Example Telecommunications Act Essay Telecommunications Act Essay Communication laws and policies are important to ensure that the media serve not only their owners’ and content creators’ interests but also the society’s interests (p. 148). As members of the public sphere, both media and its consumers have the responsibility to comply with laws and policies. The Telecommunications Act addressed the issue of providing reliable and affordable services nationally and internationally, protecting users’ privacy and maintaining Canada’s identity and sovereignty (pp. 151-152). The main issue in the industry has been the transition from monopoly to competing services (p. 153). Instead of relying on one service provider that dictates every aspect of the service, competition is healthy and favorable. However, the Act should be amended to allow free market forces to achieve the policy objectives of an active Canadian communication line (p. 154), without giving up Canadian creativity and identity. Identity- and nation-building are also the objectives of broadcasting policies, specifically the Broadcasting Act. Broadcasting should be viewed as a public service and not an industry that merely entertains. With this in mind, it should provide educational arm’s length broadcasts (p. 155). Also, it is broadcasting’s technology to examine international wavelength, allotment, advertising, Canadian content, and ownership (p. 158). The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission’s duty is to address issues on broadcasting licenses (p. 159), making sure that companies and individuals comply. Broadcasting content and access should also be prioritized as it tries to reach all Canadians in the country (p. 160), ensuring that Canadian creativity is presented in the programming (p. 161) and addressing Canada’s cultural diversity on TV screens (p. 162). Policies under the cultural industry film, music, print publishing, and the new media – also needs attention. For instance, funding in film has always been the problem in Canadian cinema. Filmmakers find it difficult to tap sources of funds to get their films done (p. 173). But even though funding may be solved, if audiences’ taste still craves for the larger-than-life Hollywood films, it will be useless. Therefore, it is best to give audience what they want. Furthermore, in the music industry, it is also the audience, together with technology, who are the ones who poses threat to radio and recording. Music downloading has stressed the fact that the recording industry has not been sufficient in giving what listeners want (p. 178). Even if Canada can boast of world famous singers, it cannot boast of a society free of copyright infringement. Not only have Canadians invaded the world’s music scene, but also the book publishing industry, as more and more Canadian authors become famous locally and internationally (p. 181). This has been due to the structural, cultural, and industrial support from the government (pp. 180-181). To continue good readership, assistance should be further strengthened, most especially financially. The government has also supported Canada’s drive to exempt culture in international trade negotiations (p. 189) by preserving Canadian identity. Genuine Canadian magazines’ goal of reaching Canadians through access to Canadian information (p. 185) is a wise decision to preserve culture and community, thus needs to be further intensified. As part of this community, Canadians should be the ones to demand for the proper, credible, and truthful information they need. They should not tolerate monopolistic companies with newspaper ownership on their prejudices, inaccuracies, misinformation, and disinformation. They should voice out their right to acquire quality news and information that is expected of newspapers and the whole of the media industry (p. 193). With the new media around and thriving, the communication and culture industries need much of audience participation, intelligent choice, and involvement, so that laws and policies will be highly effective. These are not supposed to be rules to be broken, but guidelines to help develop better, well-informed, and responsible Canadians.
Saturday, February 29, 2020
Case Study Of Reebok and Adidas Samples
The industry related t the production of the athletic shoes initiated in the year 1895. The establishment of the brand Reebok was seen in the year 1958. Reebok started manufacturing running shoes with spikes invoiced in the sole of the shoes. Being the initiator of the spiked shoes the brand gained popularity and the rate of global acceptance of the brand was very high. With the high acceptance rate of the products that were being manufactured by Reebok, the global scenario of the brand in the perspective of sales and brand popularity was at its peak. With the introduction of Nike in the field of athletic shoe manufacturer the sales and the popularity of Reebok was facing a downfall in the global market. This report will discuss about the objective and importance of the case study. This report will also discuss about the details of the case study that are relevant in nature. This report will further provide the analysis of the case study. This report will also discuss about the theor etical implications of the marketing strategies of the project that is being initiated. This project will also discuss about the key issues of the brand Reebok that has been the main reason for the downfall of the brand. This report will also provide recommendations to the brand to sustain the market. Despite of the downfall that it has been facing in the market. Te emergence of the athletic shoe manufacturing brands started in the year of 1980s. The four brands with high aspiration entered the market for achieving the silverware by manufacturing the sports shoes. The legacy of manufacturing athletic shoes started in the year 1895, when Joseph William Foster decided to manufacture athletic shoes and invoiced spikes into the shoes in order to help the runners to gain grip during running. The spikes were totally hand-made. In the year 1958 the two grandsons of Joseph William Foster established the brand Reebok. After the emergence of Reebok, during 1995, when Reebok was going through the downfall, Nike started emerging as the leading athletic shoe brand manufacturer. Adidas saw themselves emerging in the year 1954, after the Second World War. They gained popularity as they supplied cleats to the German International team during the world cup victory. Despite of the fact that the life cycle of Reebok initiated at 1958, Paul Fireman initiated the modern version of Reebok in the year 1979, when he first came across the shoes in an international trade show. After being introduced to the shoes, he started negotiating for taking the right to sell the brand in the North America. In the year 1979, Paul Fireman established the company with the name of Reebok in the Northern America. In the year 1982, Reebok started manufacturing aerobic shoes that helped women who practiced aerobic. With the drastic growth rate in the acceptance of the brand in the year 1995, Reebok made a sale of $3 billion since the last decade. In the early years of 1990, the trend of aerobics was decreasing in a rapid rate, which causes a decline in sales for Reebok as it was mainly focused on the sales of the aerobic shoes that were targeted for the female clients of the brands. Reebok wanted to expand its business in other sector of sports but Nike was already predo minant in the field where Reebok was trying to set up their business. In the year 1995, Nike surpassed the sales of Reebok by $1.33 billion.  The main hindrance that stood in front of Reebok the lack of are the lack of relation between the Foot Locker and their brand. This communication gap was made full use by the Nike athletic shoes production house. Previously, when Nike was not completely established and was just emerging as a brand in the field of manufacturing athletic shoes, Reebok got the chance to start the business with the Foot Locker but due to the lack of time to produce custom footwear for the Foot lockers the business never progressed to a fruitful end. Nike in other hand had agreed to meet the requirements of the Foot Lockers and manufactured custom athletic shoes for the Foot Lockers. Considering the weak market bases Eli Lily, the trainer in the Reebok thought that there must have been some software issues that has led to the lack of sales of the brand. Reebok a long with Lee and Wrangler processed the advancement of the SAP version. This advancement took longer time than the expected deadline of the project. In the mid 2003, Reebok gained their sales and made a great business. The reason of this increase in their sales was the conflict between Nike and the Foot lockers. In 2005, Adidas took the initiative to buy Reebok. Adidas was fighting to sustain the competition in Europe as Nike proved to be the killer of the entire competition. To face the fierce competition provided by Nike  Adidas decided to buy Reebok and use Reebok in the department of training and fitness. After failing to sign Jordan as the basketball ambassador and again losing the chance of signing the wonder kid of basket ball Lebron James, Adidas decided to invest in signing multiple stars as their rookie in the field f basketball (Mantovani and Galvà £o, 2017). Adidas soon realized that launching the predator soccer shoes in Europe will help them conquer the ma rket as emotion re related to the predator shoes were used by the likes of David Bekham and many other soccer stars. Gradually Adidas started outshining Nike in the mid range sport shoes. Despite the fact that Adidas combined with Reebok was giving a tough competition to Nike but Nike was still crowned as the brand that is labeled to be selling the highest number of pairs of athletic shoes. In the mid 2000s, Reebok was one of the reasons that brought Adidas the success. Out of the net turnover of $12 billion in Europe, Reebok had its share prominent with $1.9 billion. Reebok restocking the old stock of athletic shoes that were in trend that got the brand promoted to the highly ranked tier standing second just behind the likes of the Skechers (Tae-Gyu, K.I.M. and Wi-Young, 2015). The CEO of Adidas was much pleased with the growth of the brand under their legacy. This growth in the brand of Reebok forced Nike to collaborate with the brand named Converse and invest a lot of rev enue to buy the brand in order to compete with Adidas in the field of training and fitness field. In the year 2009, Reebok manufactured toning shoes that claimed that wearing them itself is enough to get rid of specific muscular problems and no other mean of treatment will be required. This model of the shoe was targeted mainly for the women. But the science and technology used in the making of the shoes was not well matched with the claims that were made by the brand. Reebok had to settle a lawsuit and pay $25 million to the U.S Federal trade Commission in order to repay the unsatisfied clients. Despite these acts Reebok has still been doing well in the market of athletic shoes and is collaborated with the SAP ERP to sustain the competition with Nike. This case study initially deals with the emergence of the athletic shoe brand Reebok. The brand seems to emerge in a very fast rate, as they were the initial manufacturers of athletic shoes with spikes invoiced in the shoes that will help the athletes to gain a proper grip during running in the track (Romeo, 2016). The business of Reebok was flourishing in a very fast rate as it started manufacturing products that were aimed at a particular scope of the athletics field as well as the products for the general athletic fields. With the increase in popularity of the field of athletics that the brand was gaining, according to the report the brand was not willing to make further modifications in the making of their products. This stable and never changing technology in the brand motive brought in stagnation in the market for the style of shoes that Reebok manufactured. Due to lack of time, Reebok could not manufacture customized products for the Foot Lockers. The gradual profit terms were decreasing in annual basis as the in between 1997 to 1999 the net sales dropped by $3.6 billion again in between 1999 to 2000, the sales decreased by $2.9 billion. This decrease in the net sales of the brand Reebok resulted in growth of the brand Nike as an elite athletic shoe brand. Nike took the advantage of collaborating with the Foot lockers for the supply of their athletic shoes (Jain, 2017). This causes the flash marketing for the Nike as they were collaborated with the Foot lockers in order to increase the sales growth. This growth in the sales of the athletic shoe with the Feet Lockers took Nike to an elite level. This phenomenon was the main reason behind the decline in the growth of Reebok (Fatma, 2018). Another aspect that resulted in the down fall of Reebok is that the downfall in the interest of the aerobics, as Reebok mainly focused on the field of aerobics under which they targeted the women participants of the field (Kempf and Franklin, 2016). Due to the lessening o f the interest in the field of aerobics, the sales of athletic shoe decreases which in turn affected sales of the brand annually (Erus, 2016). Adidas being another athletic shoe manufacturing brand that has been emerging as one of the biggest brands after Nike in Europe. To get into the competition of being the biggest manufacturer of athletic shoes, they decided to collaborate with Reebok and spent a huge revenue to buy the brand (Lee and Kahle, 2016). After buying the brand for few years Reebok was not yielding the expected outcome in number of sales, but during the conflict of Nike with the Foot Lockers Reebok again gained the acceptance in the market by restocking the old foot wears and was just ranked behind Skechers in terms of yearly turnover of the training and fitness aspect of athletics. In 2010, a web served store was constructed where the shoes of Reebok was sold as the official product where discount on very less amount was provided (Erhard, Werner and Michael, 2014). This increase in the emergence of the turn over by Adidas that had already collaborated with Reebok forced Nike to collaborate with Converse and spend a huge revenue. Despite all this competition, Nike remained the brand with the highest turnover (Cho and Kim, 2016). The SAP version that was used initially by Reebok was also upgraded to a much updated version of SAP which was possible with the help of LEE and Wrangler as the modification was suggested by the Reebok, Lee and Wrangler (Duncan, 2016).   The main issues in the management of Reebok that led to the downfall of the brand are that the brand after getting a proper start to the marketing aspect of the brand due to the innovative ideas that were incorporated in the products that were manufactured by the company and did not intend to evolve their manufacturing infrastructure (Chatwin, 2017). The main motive of the company was to manufacture the most in numbers and to reduce the cost of production. This aspect of the increasing the production as well as lowering the production cost leads to the factor of not being able to customize the shoes manufactured by them. This led to the decline of the brand (Dolgin, 2017). Another reason of the company for not being able to flourish is the reason that they did not pair up with the  Foot Lockers despite the fact that the Foot Lockers wanted to collaborate with the brand but due to lack of time for customizing shoes for them the Foot lockers and Reebok did not went on to cra ck the deal (Burns, Carberry and Schwartz, 2015). Nike was later seen to collaborate with Foot Lockers and reach the highest standards of the business their field leaving behind Reebok as their competitor.    The only recommendation that can be provided to the brand is that they must not provide misleading marketing policies as they did for the toning shoes which will lead to the decrease in good will of the brand and the brand loyalty decreases and this in turn positively affects the growth of their competitors (Nigg et al. 2015) . The company must seek to improve their technologies and the modification and customizations must be made in order to stay updated with the regular trend. The company has already collaborated with Adidas hence must act with the technology that the Adidas uses in order to gain the dominance in the global market and reach the peak of the market. The software systems that the brand is using must be updated to its highest order. This updated version will provide the increase in the efficiency of the marketing strategy of the brand leading to the success in marketing of the products that will be launched by Reebok.  On following these recommendations the bran d can regain its glory days. From the above discussion it can be concluded that the emergence of Reebok was an obvious choice as it was the first brand to launch athletic shoes with spikes in order to found better grip on the track. Despite of getting a massive launch Reebok failed to maintain the dominance in the field of athletic shoe brands as Nike took over Reebok as a brand due to the availability  of customized shoes. Reebok did not intend on growing as fast as it needed to and did not focus on modifying the shoes as per the requirement of the clients. This factor of not being capable enough to cope up with the pace created Nike the space to conquer the market. The downfall of Reebok embarked the superiority of Nike, which later led to Reebok being sold to Adidas for te betterment of the company. Buckeridge, E., LeVangie, M.C., Stetter, B., Nigg, S.R. and Nigg, B.M., 2015. An on-ice measurement approach to analyse the biomechanics of ice hockey skating. PloS one, 10(5), p.e0127324. Burns, R., Carberry, S. and Schwartz, S.E., 2015, April. Classifying Salient Textual Entities in the Headlines and Captions of Grouped Bar Charts. In FLAIRS Conference (pp. 217-220). Chatwin, C. R. (2017). Rapid prototyping, tooling and time compression. Cho, S. and Kim, Y., 2016. Empirical Rationalization of Prior Substantiation Doctrine: Federal Traded Commission v. Reebok & Sketchers. Loy. Consumer L. Rev., 29, p.55. Dolgin, E., 2017. Outside the lab: Side jobs for scientists. Nature, 549(7671), pp.297-299. Duncan, C., 2016. Purchase of Safety Shoes on an Annual Contract with two (2) options to renew for various Gwinnett County. Erhard, Werner, and Michael C. Jensen. Putting integrity into finance: A purely positive approach. No. w19986. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2014. Erus, O., 2016. The Benefit of Targeting Trending Niche Marketing Segments and Re-positioning of a Company: Choosing the winning marketing strategies for Reebok. Fatma, S., 2018. Brand Revitalization: Reconnecting Emotionally. In Driving Customer Appeal Through the Use of Emotional Branding (pp. 262-272). IGI Global. Jain, S., 2017. Feasibility study for launch of mission athletecare in India. NIFT-Mumbai. Kempf, M. and Franklin, P., 2016. adidas and Reebok: What Expatriate Managers Need to Manage M&As Across Cultures. Intercultural Management: A Case-Based Approach to Achieving Complementarity and Synergy, p.148. Lee, C. and Kahle, L., 2016. The linguistics of social media: Communication of emotions and values in sport. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 25(4), p.201. Mantovani, D. and Galvà £o, F.H.S., 2017. Brand priming effect on consumers’ financial risk taking behavior. Revista de Administraà §Ãƒ £o, 52(1), pp.15-25. Romeo, M., 2016. Standing in the Octagon: The Ultimate Fighting Championship's Battle to Legalize Mixed Martial Arts in New York State. Ariz. St. U. Sports & Ent. LJ, 6, p.109. Sapra, G.K., 2015. Measures to improvise the key categories in order to establish reebok as a fitness brand in India. NIFT. Tae-Gyu, K.I.M. and Wi-Young, S.O., 2015. Effect of functional rehabilitation exercise on chronic ankle instability in elite athletes. South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation, 37(2), pp.47-60.
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Thesis that uses your original profile and your newly collected data Essay
Thesis that uses your original profile and your newly collected data to clearly present your point to your audience - Essay Example It has been observed that the most significant qualities of a transformational leader are strong execution skills, leading by example and the ability to sense what requires change. The existence of a truly ‘transformational’ leader was identified James MacGregor Burns who differentiated between leaders who were transactional in nature and those who were transformational in nature. The latter were defined as those that brought about some considerable, constructive change in the mindset of the organization and its employees through the use of powerful vision and motivational tactics to enable the various organizational actors to look beyond their immediate self-interests and work for the interest of the entire organization (Burns). However, this definition is criticized on the grounds that the pressing need and struggle for bringing â€Å"change†can divert the efforts of the followers away from the core tasks. For example, a school principal who insists on change management will hamper students’ learning by forcefully engaging them in CSR activities and taking time away from them. The CSR program is designed to enhance the level of ed ucational standards within institutions and is funded by the state (U.S Department of Education). The purpose of this program is to enable students of all levels to achieve the high academic standards set by the state after thorough research (U.S Department of Education). Schools are then required to fulfill the eleven aspects of this reform. These components include professional development of staff, setting up of SMART goals, parental involvement in bringing about improvements as well as the use of an external partner that assists the school in implementing these reforms (U.S Department of Education). The fact that the most significant quality is that of having a strong vision is also heavily debated. There are leaders who have an excellent vision, they know where to get but either do not know how to get there or
Saturday, February 1, 2020
The U.S. Criminal Justice System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The U.S. Criminal Justice System - Essay Example The U.S criminal justice system has evolved as an assortment of various structures and components which operate independently. Like the systems in other countries, the U.S criminal justice is an interaction of three major components; the law enforcement agencies, the court systems and the correctional system (Carlson and Garrett, 2006). Each of the systems operates as an independent entity with little association among the various agencies. The American system majorly owes its roots from the England during the colonization era. During the colonial era, issues of crime were majorly handled by vigilante groups and private citizens. In absence of a governing system with regard to administration of justice, the British colonialists introduced several English legal traditions in America without replacing the private system and the customs adapted from other parts of the world. However, this informal system became obsolete due to the increasing population and urban growth paving way for el ites under the premise of enlightenment to challenge the existing criminal justice system which was primarily based on capital punishment and torture among other inhumane acts. In the wake of the enlightenment era, there was a move towards a more defined system with written rules and punishment. The central dogma for the justice system advocated by the enlightenment group was the need to have a system which would make people more aware of illegal actions and their respective consequences. There was also need for equality and uniformity to be applied in the administration of justice. The American Revolution set the stage for the U.S to establish its own criminal justice system free from interference by the British. A rapid transformation of the criminal justice system was witnessed in the nineteenth century marked by increase in urban law enforcers and correctional system. However, the increased level of crime despite the transformations paved way for professionalism in the crimi nal justice system in an effort to understand the root causes of crime and effective control measures (Matthews et al, 2007). The increased professionalism led to implementation of more effective policies and processes in the justice system. This led to heightened efforts in empowering the various law enforcement agencies, courts and correctional systems at federal, state and county levels. As a result, the U.S system has remained as a complex assortment of highly fragmented organizations which interact with each other indifferent ways. Though there have been calls for transformation of the U.S criminal justice towards a unified system, such efforts have been met with opposition from various stakeholders like politicians and other beneficiaries hence majority of the states have retained the fragmented system.
Friday, January 24, 2020
A Figurative Ad :: Advertising Media Essays
A Figurative Ad Advertisements display many examples of ethos, pathos, and logos. Many ads use celebrities and direct emotional appeals toward their audience. The ad I will be talking about is a figure skater endorsing a watch and demonstrating ethos and pathos. Overall, the advertisement is useful and effective when displaying ethos and pathos. Envision a one page advertisement that has enough information to understand what product is being sold. The first thing to draw attention to the eyes is the division of color. The top third of the ad has a black background and the bottom is a white/gray color. In the black part of the ad are a woman’s head and hands. She is looking in to your line of vision and it is clear she is holding her hands up in front of her body but, they appear to be behind because her head is turned toward whoever is looking at the ad. Then, I was drawn to look at the small print underneath her face and the words ‘Sasha Cohen, champion figure skater’ are found. It turns out that the woman in the ad is Sasha Cohen, a famous figure skater. The next part of the advertisement is underneath the black portion containing Sasha Cohen and it shows a watch and lettering. On the page, this watch is so big; it is bigger than the skater’s head. The watch is gold and silver colored with some diamonds on the rim. Clearly this watch is expensive and fashionable. After viewing Sasha Cohen and the watch, the eyes are drawn to read about the product. Beside the watch in the same very small black print used below Sasha Cohen, it says ‘ECO-DRIVE Riva.’ To get a full understanding of the product you have to look at a column of words found on the right side of the ad. In this order, are printed the words ‘UNSTOPPABLE.’ Below that in black and less bold words is ‘SASHA COHEN IS. So is her citizen Eco-Drive.’ ‘Fueled by light, it never needs a battery.’ ‘IT’S UNSTOPPABLE. Just like the people who wear it.’ All these groups of sentences are put together on the ad a nd appear vertically as you read. Then below, you see a symbol of the Citizen Eco-Drive watch and the name below and below that contact information. Now that you have the main visual of the ad, I will explain why this ad demonstrates both ethos and pathos.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Analysis on “A Horse and Two Goatsâ€Â
R.K. Narayan’s story entitled â€Å"A Horse and Two Goats†is a story of innocence and poverty. The narrator of the story illustrated how the main character was pushed into terrible situations due to poverty.Narayan discussed in his story the culture of India as it portrays some of the important traditions that exist within the whole country. It is a depiction of social construction that emerged through the issue of poverty and cultural differences.In the beginning of the story, the narrator illustrated the simple life of the main character and its wife. The couple is rich during their younger days together but as they grow old, all their richness slowly decreased until the time when only 2 of their 40 goats and sheep remain. It shows how poverty in India develops as its people grows old, which is different from other countries that older people are richer that younger people because they already established their lifestyle.In the latter part of the story, humorous atta ck emerged and developed as the author’s way of resolving the conflict of the protagonist. Based on my reading of the story, I have seen that the resolution caused another problem for the couple. It means that it is not a permanent but temporary resolution. It was depicted the humor of the author as he unravel the resolution of the conflict.Another thing is that the conflict lies within the middle part of the story and not in the beginning, which is somehow illogical in the field of literature. That is why confusion started to exists. However, I can see that the author imposed the conflict in the middle part of the story because he wanted to discuss the culture and tradition of India.Nevertheless, it can be seen that the author could not able to incorporate the things that he wanted to justify in the beginning of the story to the main conflict in order to make the audience hang from the beginning up to the end.ReferenceNarayan, R.K. A Horse and Two Goats. 273-290
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Beloved by Toni Morrison - 1455 Words
Throughout history, numerous people were victims of slavery. Many people were tortured and worked to death and suffered horrifically. Not many slaves knew their mothers because they were torn from their homes. Many slave women were robbed of their innocence by their masters. Behind the face of every slave, there is always a very traumatic unforgettable story which is not something to pass on, but a lesson to remember from repeating same mistake again. Only a handful of slaves learned to read and write, and from their stories we can read the horrors they went through. Slave narratives brings these hardships to light and shed insight on the pain and suffering of slaves, narratives such as, Incidents in The Life Of A Slave Harriet Jacobs,The narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave. Novels such as Beloved by Toni Morrison blend the slave narratives with fiction highlight the life after slavery and the struggle faced by former slaves to adjust their lives t o freedom. According to Paul E. Lovejoy’s ‘Freedom Narratives’ of Transatlantic Slavery, he states that ‘slave narratives’ are better described as freedom narratives. He says â€Å"the accounts being referred to were actually written by individuals who achieved their freedom or were dictated to compilers who recounted the quest for freedom†(Lovejoy,1). These narratives are either written by the people who underwent the trials of slavery or dictated to and written by another person who knew how toShow MoreRelatedBeloved, By Toni Morrison Essay1576 Words  | 7 Pagesreading Toni Morrison’s novel Beloved, I could not help but feel shocked and taken aback by the detailed picture of life she painted for slaves at the time in American history. The grotesque and twisted nature of life during the era of slavery in America is an opposite world from the politically correct world of 2016. Morrison did not hold back about the harsh realities of slavery. Ba sed on a true story, Toni Morrison wrote Beloved about the life of Sethe, a slave and her family. Toni Morrison leftRead MoreBeloved, By Toni Morrison1571 Words  | 7 PagesIn the novel, Beloved, written by Toni Morrison, many themes and symbols played a crucial role when analyzing a variety of different characters. One specific theme that has had an everlasting effect between characters and relationships throughout the novel is the transformation of the theme thick love. The idea of love in Toni Morrison s Beloved is a complicated subject to understand. If love wasn t hard enough to figure out, it is made more complex through the evils of slavery during this timeRead MoreBeloved by Toni Morrison2137 Words  | 8 PagesToni Morrison explores the idea of slavery through her novel, Beloved, by using a variety of literary techniques and postmodern concepts. The idea of the rememory is a major theme throughout the novel that Toni Morrison uses to introduce the lives of Denver and Sethe and the idea of slavery. Rememory is the act of remembering a memory that happened in the past. Beloved, depicted as a ghost, exemplifies the idea of rememory for Sethe because she brings back many memories to Sethe’s mind. ThroughoutRead MoreBeloved by Toni Morrison622 Words  | 3 Pages In the novel Beloved by Toni Morrison, Morrison has created two very powerful characters: Denver and Beloved. Denver and Beloved are sisters, but in a sense, they werent always. It used to just be Denver and her mother, Sethe, that lived together in a house. That house was passed down to them by Denvers grandmother, Baby Suggs, which was given to her by a white couple who were out to help the blacks. Sethe and Denver were very content with the way things were. Sethe had a paying job as a cookRead More`` Beloved `` By Toni Morrison2097 Words  | 9 Pages â€Å"Beloved†by Toni Morrison is a historical/fictional novel that deals with the idea of the supernatural and the repercussions of slavery towards a society and the individual persona. The novel explores the wreckage slavery brings upon its characters in all senses of the self. They have been freed from slavery but the psychological trauma endured remains constant; leading them to do the unthinkable. In the novel Morrison utilizes the character of Beloved to represent the ghost of slavery in anRead MoreBeloved, Beloved By Toni Morrison1774 Words  | 8 PagesIn Toni Morrison’s novel, Beloved, Beloved is an enigmatic character. Throughout the novel, it is implied that Beloved is a reincarnation of Sethe’s dead child. However, Beloved is not just a physical embodiment of Sethe’s dead baby. Instead, Beloved is a representation of slavery and the suffering associated with slavery. Morrison displays that Beloved is a representation of slavery by the conv ersations and thoughts characters have about Beloved. Morrison also displays Beloved as a representationRead More`` Beloved `` By Toni Morrison Essay1726 Words  | 7 Pages Distinguished African-American novelist, Toni Morrison, in her notoriously suspenseful anachronic masterpiece, Beloved, tells the story of a fugitive slave named Sethe who escaped from the Sweet Home plantation in Kentucky to Cincinnati, Ohio, a free state. She lives freely with her husband’s grandmother for twenty-eight days until the slave masters come to capture her. Frightened, she attempts to murder all of her children to prevent them from living a life of dehumanized servitude but only succeedsRead MoreBeloved by Toni Morrison769 Words  | 3 PagesBeloved is the character who lends her name to the title of Morrison’s novel, isnt really a flesh-and-blood character at all, she’s is a ghost. It is this fact that makes the presence of the character a symbol in terms of her effect on the narrative and the other characters so profound. For a ghost, Beloved exerts a ton and control over most of the characters, affecting nearly every part of their lives, their ability to live in peace, their ability to love one another, and to move on with theirRead More`` Beloved `` By Toni Morrison906 Words  | 4 PagesGothic Literature normally, if not always, has a haunting. In â€Å"Beloved†by Toni Morrison there is a haunting of 124. 124 is being haunted by Sethe’s daughter who is the character Beloved. The haunts in Gothic Literature can also be a non-physical haunting, a haunting in the head. Sethe has not been haunted by Beloved physically, but mentally. The bond that a mother has for a child is so tight and loving. There is no real way to understand this bond unless someone has personally been a mother. TheRead MoreToni Morrison s Beloved And Beloved1376 Words  | 6 PagesToni Morrison brings another surprise to the story of Beloved. The addition of character Beloved conceals whole meaning Morrison tries to conduct to the readers. So far, character Beloved is portrayed as an innocent, pure, yet egotistic girl. Beloved also presumably the incarnation of Sethe’s dead baby, whose tomb is engraved Beloved. Morrison offers supernatural element in the story to create mysterious and spooky atmosphere, which raise curiosity and excite readers even more. Beloved is seen
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