Monday, December 30, 2019
The Selection Presidency - 1402 Words
To begin with, the structuring ambition of the selection presidency did indeed shift through each of the benchmarks. Originally, the Founders wanted a selection system that would prevent the use of popular arts (Ceaser, pg 29), meaning that they wanted to avoid someone being selected just because they talked about topics in which stirred interests rather than be selected for being the best qualified. This is why they desired a president who was selected on public service, forcing candidates to do things for the public in order to be selected, in order to be elected by the Electoral College. Jefferson actually took a step away from this, by bringing in issue formation into the selection process, causing a shift in electoral alignment.†¦show more content†¦The next benchmark changed this aspect of an overbearing party, however it would create large amount of power now going to the candidate themselves. Wilson felt that there was an absence of strong leadership in government, and sought a national primary to enhance an individual candidates strengths, allowing them to establish their own popular constituency. FDR carried out Wilson’s plan, and being that FDR established the modern presidency, every president has continued this. The consequences of this has been a connection between the people and the president. By allowing the primaries, if gives the people a chance to input their decision into presidential selection long before the Framers intended them to be able to. The candidates now individually raise issues important to them, and in fact have fallen into the trap that the Framers’ feared. Candidates play on issues the public finds important to get attention, and in the process make their own commitments to the public on what they are going to do about it, when in reality, they do not always have the power to be able to do the things they say they will. This has changed the public’s selection on the president’s selection from the qualifications of the president, to what they promise to do on certain
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Ratifying the Constitution to the Bill of Rights Essay
In 1787, the Constitution was written and submitted for ratification by the 13 states, but not everyone agreed with it. There were two groups of though. One was the Anti-federalists, who opposed the Constitution and the other group were the Federalists, who supported it. The Anti-federalists were people who supported the Articles of Confederation because they were doing well under them. They were mostly poor people from rural areas and were supported by the big states. They believed that the Constitution did not secure their rights and gave the central government too much power. The Federalists were mostly the wealthy people who lived in or near city areas and were supported by the smaller states. They believed that the separation of†¦show more content†¦(5) In Massachusetts, Daniel Shay led many farmers who were in debt to the courthouse to protest. Many of these farmers had fought in the war and when they came back they were in debt from all the taxes. This was later known as Shay’s Rebellion and since these farmers were in almost every state, state officials were afraid that this uprising would spread. Because of Shay’s Rebellion, the officials wanted to preclude further rebellion from occurring throughout the states. For if it did up rise, they knew their government would look even more unstable from other countries point of view. George Washington’s repartee was that their enemies would be happy to see that they were not able to govern themselves. The Anti-federalists opposed the Constitution because they believed it did not secure their rights and gave the government too much power. (2) Patrick Henry, an Anti-federalist from Virginia said that the constitution took away the states rights to be individual and to make separate decisions as well. (4) The Federalists saw the Anti-federalists complaint and realized that in order for the Constitution to be passed, they would need a Bill of Rights. (6) This Bill of Rights would give rights to the people and the states. 12 amendments were submitted for ratification by congress, but the states only ratified 10 of them. They became know as the Bill of Rights which made mostShow MoreRelatedThe Articles Of Confederation Serving As The Foundation For The Us Constitution1520 Words  | 7 Pageswith Great Britain, and passed the Northwest Ordinance. This document served as the foundation for the United States Constitution, which was ratified in 1787. This ratification process took place over 200 years ago. Since that time, most modern-day Americans have assumed that this great document had always been honored and respected by everyone. On the contrary, the Constitution set off months of fierce and often bitter debate after it was written and submitted to the states for ratification. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019
Barbed Wire By Mary Emeny Free Essays
Mary Emenys poem, Barbed Wire, depicts war as a negative force, destroying every decent aspect of human existence. Written during the Vietnam War, the work displays Emenys negative views on war. In one way or another everyone experiences and identifies with the presence of war. We will write a custom essay sample on Barbed Wire By Mary Emeny or any similar topic only for you Order Now Although some wars are fought for justifiable reasons, every war tears into the lives of those undeserving. The tragic effects of war consume the innocent creating an unconquerable path of entanglement. The physical effects of war overwhelm the nave causing pain and suffering. Initially, war entangles the lives of youth, destroying the innocence that they experience as an aspect of their life. The girl glid[ing] gracefully down the path (1) and the boy rid[ing] eagerly down the road (9) have their enjoyable realities striped by the harshness of war. Likewise, war enters womens lives creating turmoil. The woman who works deftly in the fields ( ) no longer is able to experience the offerings of life. The wire cuts, ( ) pushing her away from the normal flow of life. In addition, man undergoes tragic obstacles as a result of war. A man walks nobly and alone ( ) before the horrible effects of war set in on his life causing disruptions. War enters the life of man destroying the bond man shares with his beloved environment ( ). Although a great deal of physical effects exist in Emenys work, the spiritual consequences of war serve as the most devastating ones. The will and spirit of those amidst the harshness of war diminishes because of the seriousness of war. Prior to the complexities of war, the spirit flees gleefully to the clouds, ( ) illustrating the freedom one expresses without repression. As soon as the wire catches, ( ) or the war commences, and intervenes with the lives of innocent bystanders, the innocence is lost. Furthermore, the hearts of the untainted human beings experience demolition due to the irrationality of war. Before the tragedy of war enters the picture, a heart goes openly to the street, ( ) showing the freedom that one possesses until the wire snares, ( ) and the sense of innocence disappears. Significantly, as a direct result of the entanglement of war, mans mind suffers pain and misfortune. A mans mind grows in searching ( ) preceding the brutality of war, exhibiting the ability of man to explore his surroundings without interference. Wars hampering of the innocent limits man to certain life experiences that repress his potential. ). Barbed Wire illustrates how the severity of war detracts from the innocence within and surrounding humans. Men and women languish from the tangible results of war, encountering barriers when attempting to complete normal tasks. On the other hand, the spiritual consequences of war such as the repression of the mind, signify the tragedy involved when faced with war. Ultimately, war serves as an aspect of life that possesses the capacity to destroy human experiences and beliefs. How to cite Barbed Wire By Mary Emeny, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Case Study IT Priorities IVK for Adaptive-
Question: Discuss about theCase Study IT Priorities IVK for Adaptive and Extreme. Answer: Slush fund slack had been created by the previous CIO Davies just in case when the very vital projects at IVK could not be approved. The slush funds had been developed at IVK in order to get the IT project funds approved. The IT projects were not considered to be the primary functions rather they were just the supporting functions which faced trouble to get budgetary approvals from the department. To get budget approval for the IT projects that were very technical and did not deliver direct customer benefits were really tough to get approved in IVK. Moreover the IT projects were supposed to be very technical and the other departments were simply unable to understand, rather in some cases the approach that the company IVK adopted for funding the IT projects was that of preventive maintenance. This is the reason why Davies created slush funds to get these security related risks handled effectively (Wysocki, 2010). Davies being a technical person knew very well the kind of security risks might generate if the IT projects do not get implemented. He realised the importance and gravity of neglecting of IT projects in IVK that is why he thought of this idea of creating slush fund slack to get budgetary approval for the IT projects. During the IT project approval in which Barton made fun when he started criticising the way the project was presented Davies simply returned back in his shell during conflicts. This indicates that Davies, not being the one ready to take sole responsibility, will result in noose around everyones neck as everyone would get involved while decision making for the IT projects (Austin, Nolan, O'Donnell, 2016). The approach adopted by Davies was typically IT-based approach and not a management based approach. The approach adopted by Davies was technology oriented as he along with John both believed that there exists a security issue with the technology that was being used by Peoples. He believed that if there is any security risk that must be handled by receiving funds from IVK. But his approach being too much IT related which was simply did not go very well with other business units. He laid more emphasis on the security risks that might arise in totally IT language. Thus the way of communication of the security risks adopted by Davies did not clarify or show what adverse impact the security risks that are generated in IVK can have on the company as well as the customers. Thus the approach adopted by Barton that the IT spending needs to be in proper alignment with the IVK strategy and dividing the IT projects on the following basis is a better approach. The projects will be divided into categories like: Mandatory (for example security) Return on Investment (for example incremental) OCI (option creating investment). Barton has adopted a consensus approach according to which IT is important aspect that assists the process implementation and the business units are the ones who decide the priorities. The approach followed by Barton does not suggest that it should take full control over the IT budget rather it believes in putting forth the IT point of view along with the business point of view. By adopting this approach all necks will be in the noose and in case any decision goes wrong everyone who is part of decision can be blamed and held responsible (Austin, Nolan, O'Donnell, 2016). Barton needs to act smart and should not take the entire budgetary control in his hands as suggested by Maggie as well as it will make him responsible for anything that goes wrong in the company. He should come up with a brilliant idea of getting fixed the whole decision making committee which should also engage the Board of Directors. Rather he should try to create a completely new IT budgeting process by proposing certain percentage of the total budget that needs to be allocated to the IT projects that belong to the mandatory category (Wysocki, 2010). The IT committee that he needs to propose should be of board level because demanding certain percentage of budget to be taken into control of IT is not a good idea. In this case again if anything goes wrong then only Barton will be held responsible because the noose would be around his neck only, being the sole person to make budgetary decisions. What he needs to do is support the formation of an IT Security Project which should empha size on the critical factors as well as the benefits that it will draw. IT Committee with board involvement will help in promoting the say of IT within the business units which will in turn help the organization also. Thus the risks associated with IT infrastructure will be decreased and will also make decision making simple and easy (Austin, Nolan, O'Donnell, 2016). Bibliography Austin, R., Nolan, R., O'Donnell, S. (2016). The Adventures of an IT Leader. Harvard Busines Press. Wysocki, R. K. (2010). Effective Project Management: Traditional, Adaptive, Extreme. Wiley Publishing INc.
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