Friday, November 29, 2019
Spare Parts Essay Example For Students
Spare Parts Essay In order to prevent people from drinking and driving, the car company BMW uses this advertisement to promote awareness of the dangers and negative outcomes. Many consequences can occur when the driver is not able to realize what is going on, drifts off the road, and gets into an accident. This BMW advertisement only shows one possible injury to an accident where the man in the visual has lost his leg and it was replaced by an artificial one. To promote the message Dont Drink and Drive, this advertisement shows that it is extremely dangerous and can cause injury, amputation, and/or death. We will write a custom essay on Spare Parts specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Some severe types of injuries can potentially cause people to lose their leg, other body parts or even a life as a result of a car accident. It affects the viewers who see this advertisement because they do not want to turn the picture into reality now giving them the choice on butcher to do the right thing and drive safely or not. From seeing this advertisement, it develops the primary appeal of pathos because it displays the emotion that one gets from seeing a person With one real leg and one prosthetic leg. After seeing this photo it makes the viewer think about the consequences Of being under the influence and driving at the same time. Having an artificial leg will greatly disable a person where they become enable to do the things that they were able to do before the car accident. This holds true whether it was the person driving themselves or someone else driving especially an innocent driver in another car. This advertisement proves that it is possible to replace car parts, but there is nothing one can do to replace body parts or even someones life. They will have to suffer the negative results of making the bad decision to drive drunk. Through showing a possible consequence, this advertisement is effective because people can relate to this robber if they have been injured or know someone who has been injured or has died trot a drunk driving accident. It would make people make sure not to drink and drive because it would make the picture turn into reality and no one would want that. There is a possibility this can happen so it makes the advertisement extremely believable affecting anyone who was to come upon it, Another appeal is to logos through the quote that is displayed in the advertisement. It states, Spare parts for humans are not as original as those for cars. This statement is seed to prevent the issue of drinking and driving as it means that human body parts are not as appealing as those that can be changed in cars, especially since parts of a human are impossible to re-manufacture. If there are spare parts on a car, it is hard to tell that there is a difference between the original and replacement parts. But when a humans body parts are replaced by something else like an artificial or prosthetic part, it is possible to tell the difference because it does not look like the original body part. It is important to know this because while driving, people are not only responsible for their own safety but of other peoples safety as well. They may cause someone other than themselves to become injured or hurt just because they made the bad decision to drive while intoxicated. This advertisement promotes safe driving through its simple and clean layout using a white background and simple black font. This technique is used to make consumers think the product being sold (which in this case is a car) is simple and clean as well which means that the car will be reliable and also safe, Even though is selling their company and their car, they also show heir awareness to drinking and driving. .u120c09eb69ad2b46805b73a84d687b48 , .u120c09eb69ad2b46805b73a84d687b48 .postImageUrl , .u120c09eb69ad2b46805b73a84d687b48 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u120c09eb69ad2b46805b73a84d687b48 , .u120c09eb69ad2b46805b73a84d687b48:hover , .u120c09eb69ad2b46805b73a84d687b48:visited , .u120c09eb69ad2b46805b73a84d687b48:active { border:0!important; } .u120c09eb69ad2b46805b73a84d687b48 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u120c09eb69ad2b46805b73a84d687b48 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u120c09eb69ad2b46805b73a84d687b48:active , .u120c09eb69ad2b46805b73a84d687b48:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u120c09eb69ad2b46805b73a84d687b48 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u120c09eb69ad2b46805b73a84d687b48 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u120c09eb69ad2b46805b73a84d687b48 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u120c09eb69ad2b46805b73a84d687b48 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u120c09eb69ad2b46805b73a84d687b48:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u120c09eb69ad2b46805b73a84d687b48 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u120c09eb69ad2b46805b73a84d687b48 .u120c09eb69ad2b46805b73a84d687b48-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u120c09eb69ad2b46805b73a84d687b48:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Too Much Experience Going Up the Creek EssayWith this white background, it makes the image stand out on its own requiring viewers to focus primarily on the picture, After seeing the prosthetic leg, it will grab and keep peoples attention to get them to wonder what the advertisement is all about. Therefore they become encouraged to read the words to further understand what BMW is promoting because they believe it is necessary for people to be aware. By doing this, the advertisement focuses on the importance of the issue over vat BMW is actually selling. This advertisement does not show the product purposely to show how much BMW cares about preventing drinking and driving. They are trying to persuade people to buy their cars since they are aware Of the consequences of drinking and driving. BMW uses this advertisement to show that they are trying to prevent the issue Of driving under the influence to gain the trust Of the consumers. If the company is considered trustworthy, they Will create a good reputation for their cars so that people will buy there. They want to show that their car is safe and reliable as well. When buying a car, consumers number one concern is usually the need to feel safe. This is a way for them to gain customers appeal and hopefully they will buy BMW cars. Even though this car company wants to be able to sell to the general public, an especially meaningful message is intended for people vivo drive. This can be seen through the image, which is a human and it will affect people who see the advertisement because they will not want to end up with a prosthetic leg or any other body part. By promoting estate and proving that there are negative consequences to drinking and driving, BMW uses an advertisement to help people make the right decision when getting behind the wheel. They require people to take action so that they can prevent alcohol related car accidents from occurring because they are 50 fatal, People become aware that it is extremely dangerous to drink and drive through this advertisement because they know they would never want to hue a prosthetic leg. BMW created an effective advertisement requiring people to stop and think about the reality of drinking and driving and to hopefully make a good decision.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Song of Solomon essays
Song of Solomon essays Toni Morrisons Song of Solomon relates the story of Milkman Dead and his obsession with flying, yet the book is also full of motifs and themes related to love which at times reinforces and supports the story while dealing with death and loss. Morrison also uses the themes of flight and love in order to engage the reader and bring about feelings of freedom. In addition, Morrison uses memory as a tool in order to relate the idea that certain sensory perceptions like smell and taste can often bring the reader closer to understanding a character and their personal feelings. Thus, by using these recurring themes, Morrison is attempting to tell us that it is better to try and deal with our problems than to escape from them. Also, Morrisons storytelling technique allows the reader to pick up on certain cues that inform Solomons desire to escape from reality and his responsibilities; thus, flying is a metaphor for this need to escape while love acts as the binding ingredient between the main characters. The title The Song of Solomon, obviously borrowed from the Old Testament, is Morrisons way of relating tales of romance and maturity via the retelling of the African-American experience in the United States. The novel opens with Robert Smith, an agent of the North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company, who decides to take off from Mercy and fly away on my own wings (9), but Pilot fails to save him and sings a song at his deathO Sugarman done fly/O Sugarman done gone (11). The very next day, Milkman is born at Mercy Hospital and as if he had been touched by Smiths blue silk wings, he too wishes to fly and when the little boy discovered, at four, the same thing Mr. Smith learned earlier, that only birds and airplanes could fly, he lost all interest in Many years later when Milkman reaches adulthood, he and his friend Guitar see a ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
International Business Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
International Business Law - Essay Example Case #1 The case is presented within the jurisdiction of an international court of justice. Other countries have joined together to challenge oppose what they term as the annexation of the space country X. Joining them is country Y which may have the same interests as those of country X. They are justified to so do as they as signatories of â€Å"The Outer Space Treaty†which they did sign back in the year 1966 (Zines 2008). The case presented is the opinion of all member treaty was signed for the use and exploration of space was bringing conflicts among the superior state (Zines 2008). It came at a time when technologies were cropping up and great inventions being carried. The main purpose of this treaty was to ensure that weapons of mass destruction like nuclear bombs are not developed in the space. The super power countries don’t have trust in each other and they fear spying on their secrets Country X’s activities are within the provisions of the treaty. The treaty did state clearly that the space is freely accessible to the entire world and to any country that wishes to do so. This country is trying to explore the space scientifically which poses no danger to the world and other countries. It is not clear to the court that no other country has ever tried to intensify their activities in the space. Country X is a busy trying to explore the mysteries that are still hidden to the mankind. It has not in any case breached the terms of the treaty by occupying the space. Other allegations are that the country has put up its flag and claimed about 1000 square meters of the moon. The provision in the treaty is that no any country shall claim ownership on the ownership of space. Therefore, the court orders country X to remove its flag from the space and not to claim ownership of the area they have annexed. The landing station it has built on the moon is to be removed. This treaty did define that the space is free for all nations. However, the country has never been reported to carry out activities that may endanger life in the world. The court is just to order that the country needs to make their activities transparent to the world. The court has also found out that the countries launching complains are having fear of the unknown due to the secretive activities of the accused. Country X has promised to be responsible their activities and there are no complaints of negligence. It is stated clearly in the Outer Space Treaty that â€Å"countries exploring space are responsible and liable for any damage their activities may cause†. The court can conclude from whole proceedings that the accused country has established a base in the space. Reports of weapons and any arms are not there. The complaint brought by the 45 countries though presents the opinions of the world but these countries seem to have conflicts of interests. Take the case of country Y for example; joining the case afterwards. It beats logic how loud this country is launching it’s complain. The world today is being faced by cold war from the superpowers since they are the only ones that have the machinery to reach space. Country Y may be having interests in the in the space. Many decades have passed since man landed in the space. No any other country has ever tried building their base in the space. This country has not touched space objects like the steroids and the orbits. They use their own spaceship to navigate and have never touched the satellites. The court hereby rules that country X is free to explore the space. The case presented is a matter of further consultation among these countries. The decision has been arrived at since the court has found that these countries have common interests. They are all bound by the treaty they signed. Asking the court to exempt country X from space is unjust because a provision in the treaty allows them to do so. T he court, however, compels this country not claim
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Professionalism in physical therapy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Professionalism in physical therapy - Assignment Example Indeed, the issue of the community cannot be left out in determining whether dentistry or any other occupation qualifies as a profession. This is because of the social contract that every professional has with public he or she serves. The social contract is clear though not in written form; it tends to dictate over all other functions relating any profession involving provision of services to the public. The advantage of the community responsibility approach is that it underpins the majority of other characteristics (Welie, 2004). The code of conduct as a major characteristic in the classification of any occupation as a profession which revolves around provision of services to the community in a responsible and accountable manner. Based on the community responsibility criterion, a profession must satisfy an indispensable social need and be based upon well established and socially acceptable scientific principle. This criterion supports the notion that the professional status is besto wed on an individual by the public. Â The advantage of using this criterion revolves around compelling workers or individuals referring themselves as professionals to internalize the conceptualization that their actions are subject to the public scrutiny and approval (Welie, 2004). As a result, professionals are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that is acceptable to the community. This also ensures that people bearing the title professional execute their role in the best way possible and according.
Monday, November 18, 2019
All forms of government welfare should be abolished Essay - 3
All forms of government welfare should be abolished - Essay Example Social services herein refer to healthcare, education, social welfare programs, care for elderly or aged, and, provision of necessary infrastructures to make government effective in their relation with people (Tanner, 2012). The abolition of this government welfare means relinquishing its role and allowing private entities to offer services that can respond to peoples needs. The recent trend and dominion of private enterprise and services in our society is an attempt to exculpate or exonerate government’s role in delivering quality services as its mandate to fully realize its functions in realizing the social contract with the people it ought to serve. The abolition of social services therefor means that the government, as a bureaucracy, will relinquish its functions to accord social services and welfare to its constituents. Why spend $14,848 for every poor man (Tanner, 2012)? But on the other hand, why pay for taxes if government intends to negate the foundation of its very existence? A famous social philosopher once said that a government is a government of the people, by the people and for the people. Its object and subject of being are its constituents. It is for this reason that electorates during election wanted to nominate leaders who can uphold democracy to ensure peoples participation in decision-making and those who can reform the government structure to guarantee that delivery of services are given more importance than their selfish interests as bureaucrats. People wanted to see a government that is effectively translating its goal to have a peaceful, developed and prosperous nation. Both candidates and electorates wanted to pursue an agenda where children’s education are prioritized; quality health services are delivered in remote villages and in state-owned hospitals; people’s poverty are supplemented with social programs that can help eradicate poverty; and, social
Saturday, November 16, 2019
The Works Of David Cronenberg Film Studies Essay
The Works Of David Cronenberg Film Studies Essay The dissertation reviews works of David Cronenberg circa 1976-1999 in relation to Truffauts theories of the auteur to show the relevance of auteur theory in todays cinematic climate. The dissertation will look at Cronenbergs recurring themes, subjects such as biology, the use of insects as a supernatural force, body horror, and themes of psychological delusion and repression. These themes are consistent in Cronenberg film practice, and will form the basis of identifiable traits for consideration in defining contemporary autership. It will look into both of sides of the argument comparing the evidence from sources that believe directorial auterism is a viable concept and those who feel film making is a collaborative process and therefore a director can never truly take ownership of a piece of work. In this chapter the dissertation will also look at Cronenbergs Rabid which is the directors second feature film. The genre is a Horror film and relies heavily on one of the staple themes of the vampire sub-genre Infection which in this case a strain of rabies being passed on from person to person through the exchange of bodily fluids. The plot is simple girl falls off motorbike, girl has pioneering yet risky surgery, surgery turns girl into bloodthirsty vampiress The recurrent themes are ones of body modification (surgery), faceless medical organisations, sexuality and penetration, especially in the manifestation of a phallic, knife-like probe that emerges from lead actress Marilyn Chambers armpit to stab and infect her victims. The dissertation will discuss the different aspects that make up the film including the actors and their performances, staging (Director of Photography) the narrative and the script and look to relate them back to Truffauts guidelines to highlight key element s. Dissertation chapter 3: The Fly (Dir. David Cronenberg (1986) A scientist invents a teleportation device and accidentally teleports both himself and a fly at the same time. This unfortunate event leads to the scientist becoming part man part fly. The film is a story of blind ambition, a love story and also a story of metamorphosis. The consistency in Cronenbergs choice of film crew (Director of Photography, composer etc) will be looked at in detail and compared to his previous films along with the other recurring themes mentioned in the introduction. Dissertation chapter 4: CONCLUSION In this chapter the dissertation will compare the recurring themes between the films in relation to Truffauts theory of autership. This correlation between the content of both films and Truffauts work aim to show that, Cronenberg can in fact be classed as an auteur. Chapter 2 Rabid. Rabid is a 1977 film both written and directed by David Cronenberg. It is often seen as a sequel to his 1975 film Shivers both films deal with the subjects of disease and sexuality. The film tells the story of Rose Cronenberg has stated that he named her Rose as a metaphor for her innocence. Rose is played by American pornographic movie star Marilyn Chambers and tells of her newly acquired taste for blood that appears after pioneering life saving surgery after suffering a horrific motorbike crash. The skin graft surgery that Rose undergoes causes a mosquito like probe to appear in her armpit which she then uses to drink the blood of her victims. The probe itself is very phallic and is sheathed in something that resembles a vagina adding to the metaphor of this being a way of spreading sexual disease. The disease in this case is explained as a rare strain of rabies. The opening scenes of the film are set in the Keloid clinic. The director seems to have intentionally used this as a name for both the clinic and the head surgeon Doctor Dan Keloid as Keloid is a biological term for a type of scar. There is a discussion about investors being interested in putting money into the clinic between the members of staff to help create a franchised series of plastic surgery resorts which although shot in 1977 seems to reflect the modern day attitude to plastic surgery. It mirrors the blasà © approach of people to undergo potentially life threatening surgery in the name of personal appearance. The character of Lloyd Walsh (Roger Periard) is introduced into the story by stating that, Ive already had my ears done twice, im just here to get my eyes done there is evidently nothing wrong with the bags under Lloyds eyes. The discussion of franchisation is transposed with the images of a couple on a motorbike, Rose and her boyfriend, Hart Read (Frank Moore). The se quence on the motorcycle is very similar in style to sequences in the 1969 film Easy Rider. Close ups on the drivers foot changing gear are interspersed with shots of the bike weaving along country lanes. This editing technique is a horror film staple with quick cutting from actions that seem quite banal cutting back to another action that is building inevitably into catastrophe and violence. The tension helped to build by the use of sound, Howard Shore as the composer for Rabid has used strings and driving synthesizer noises and increasing in volume. As the motorcycle winds through the country lanes we see that a third set of protagonists are brought into the scene in the form of a camper van with a family in. As the camper van driver realizes his mistake in taking a wrong turn he turns the van around blocking the road. Close up on Rose as she realizes they are about to crash. (Rabid 1977) Inevitably the couple on the motorbike swerve and Hart gets thrown clear from the wreckage; Rose however ends up underneath the bike which bursts into flames burning her badly. The scene then cuts back to the Keloid clinic where one of the patients in the hospital has witnessed the crash and alerts the medical staff. They promptly make the decision to take the ambulance and help the crash victims. The use of the location in which the clinic is set helps the audience to realize that without this help then Rose would surely die. Cleverly, Cronenberg has set the clinic in the middle of the countryside. It is clearly in the middle of winter as there are no leaves on the trees and the fields are akin to barren waste ground. The clinic itself is a cold, faceless building with darkened windows and is surrounded by forest. This is consistent with Cronenbergs use of faceless organizations such as shadowy media companies and in this case a medical establishment. The hospital appears to be the modern day equivalent of Draculas castle or some other horror film haunted house staple. Monaco states that: To experience a Horror film was cathartic, the elements are well known: there was litany to each popular genre. Part of their pleasure lay in seeing how these basic elements would be treated this time around (Monaco, 1981) Suffice to say that when we watch films from the horror genre we are expectant of seeing these certain location and character stereotypes although in the case of Rabid, Cronenberg has transformed the haunted castle with the mad professor into a more modern setting with the use of the Keloid clinic as a key location. The mad professor has now transformed from being that of Dr Victor Frankenstein or Doctor Moreau to one of experimental plastic surgeon Dr Dan Keloid. The use of the faceless medical organization is consistent throughout Cronenbergs body of work throughout the seventies and eighties. Upon the arrival of Rose into the clinic for life saving treatment, Cronenberg seems to have prophesized the modern surgical technique of stem cell research and given Dr Keloid the ability to neutralize skin tissue from Roses thigh and then use this to grow skin grafts that replace the damaged tissue that is affected by the crash. This yet again is another horror film staple; this experimental almost maverick attitude becomes the surgical equivalent of a character deciding to walk down the dark alley when there is a serial killer on the loose. Throughout this time Rose remains in a coma. The editor Jean LeFleur has used a static title stating one month later to show the passage of time and the fact that Rose has been in a shock induced coma for a long time. Changes in time and space invite audiences to make an immediate comparison between two distinct points in time. Changes in time and space may mark the presence of central conflicts or emphasize important stages in character development (Pramaggiore, M. and Wallis, T., 2008) To show the development of a character that is essentially immobile and unable to communicate without the use of something like dream sequence for instance would be challenging to the director. It seems that what initially appears to look like a potentially lazy plot device in the use of a title to show the passage of time actually becomes a logical tool to show the development of Roses character. It is at this point that Rose awakens from her coma. It is suggested to the audience that by Rose unflinchingly removing the Intravenous drip from her arm that something might not be right. Fellow patient Lloyd Walsh discovers Rose lying in her hospital bed thrashing around her breasts uncovered. Rose claims to have no recollection of the accident but complains of being cold and wants Lloyd to embrace her for warmth. Beard says that; Metanarratively there is a kind of male-sexual-fantasy skit going on, with Lloyd as the male viewers stand-in: man accidentally comes upon beautiful young woman semi-naked in a hospital room; his safety as a voyeur is guaranteed by the womans unconsciousness; when she does awaken, she begs him to hold her because she is cold- another opportunity for covert sexual satisfaction (Beard, 2006) This part of the scene can be construed as Roses awakening of her dormant blood lust and her way of using her sexuality to entice her prey into physical contact so she can feed on them. Another way of looking at it is that this scene is Cronenbergs dark sense of humor coming to the fore. Casting a porn film actress in what audiences would regard as a relatively mainstream film and then placing her in a scenario not too dissimilar to the plot of a seventies porn film could be seen as amusing. The scene plays out with an ironic twist of fate; the male viewers on the side of Lloyd want to see this beautiful woman let Lloyd have sex with her, it is however Lloyd that is the one who gets penetrated with a phallus. Rose strikes with her armpit spike, and the scene once more is sexualized (again metanarratively) and in an unexpected way that reverses the roles of sexual attacker and victim (Beard, 2006) Rose then feeds on Lloyds blood, and Lloyd having no recollection of this starts to wander the hospital looking for help. He has no recollection of what has happened to him and as there appears to be no evidence of Rose having been awake at all it is assumed that Lloyd has had a stroke and fallen. However when the staff enter Roses room everything is in disarray and one of the nurses tells Doctor Keloid she believes Lloyd has tried to molest Rose. The decision is made to send Lloyd to the general infirmary in the city after they have taken some blood samples. This decision is a turning point in the story and shows how Cronenberg has married together several different horror staples; a vampire movie has now shows some of the traits of becoming a zombie film too. The idea of a single infected person being sent back into the general population unaware of the disease they are carrying after a wrong diagnosis from the doctor, furthering the spread of disease is something that has been use d time and time again in film making. Metaphorically speaking the disease could be thought of as a sexually transmitted infection as the situation in which it was passed had definite sexual undertones. After Rose has fed on Lloyd they lay down in what appears to be some kind of post coital bliss. Rose attacks Lloyd and feeds on his blood, she strokes his hair and they lay back down on the bed. (Rabid, 1977) After Lloyd is sent to the general infirmary in the city, Dr Keloid looks at Lloyds blood sample through a microscope and realizes that something Is not quite right. The blood sample is shown through the point of view of the doctor and the blood cells are being attacked by other mutated cells. This representation of the disease is akin to watching a sperm fertilize an egg except in the case of the disease the sperm like disease is not fertilizing a cell but eating it instead. This imagery is akin to the spread of the disease throughout the populace shown later on in the film. Cronenberg stated that, Rabid was about the spread of diseaseà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦, how a whole city is finally almost brought to his knees by a sexually transmitted disease. My imagery tends to be very body oriented. I think Im interested in transformation as well, but not in an abstract spiritual sense or at least not at first, but in a very physical sense. In the case of Rabid it seems Cronenberg is not concerned with only the physical transformation of the protagonists, but also it seems the transformation of society as a whole. It could be assumed that within Rabid, Cronenberg is addressing the changing attitudes of society and that the end of the free love attitude of the sixties and seventies is changing. Sex is no longer safe he appears to be saying. The final scene of the film shows Rose dead on the pavement. Government soldiers that have been charged with controlling the population and keeping the spread of the disease under control find her and throw her into the back of a garbage truck. Muir (2006) proposes that Cronenberg is merely having a stab at women and implying that it is women who are the carriers of disease and that the final scene with Rose getting thrown away emphasizes his thoughts on promiscuity within women equating them to the likes of garbage. Rose, dead, is thrown away into the garbage truck. (Rabid, 1977) Chapter 3 The Fly. Im saying Im an insect who dreamt he was a man and loved it, but now that dream is over and the insect is awake.- Seth Brundle (The Fly, 1986) The Fly is a 1986 film directed by David Cronenberg and produced by Mel Brooks. The film is a remake of the 1958 film of the same title directed by Kurt Neumann which is in turn based on the short story by George Langelaan. The Fly was Cronenbergs biggest cinematic success to date. The director has completely re-imagined the film of the fifties and transformed it into a love story between two characters. The film focuses on Cronenbergs recurring obsession with the horror of the human body. The scientist Seth Brundle (played by Jeff Goldblum) and magazine journalist Veronica Quaife (played by Geena Davis) are the main characters involved in the story. Goldblum plays one of the archetypal Cronenberg staples, the mad scientist. Unusually for Cronenberg the scientist is a likeable character, slightly awkward but ultimately charming. As is the norm for the director, Brundle works for a faceless scientific organization Bartok Science Industries who are financing Brundles work. The pair mee ts at a press event held by Bartok. Brundle convinces Veronica that his work will change the course of human history. Wisker (2005) states that Cronenbergs fascinations lie in the perversions of science being manipulated by corporate interests and how humans, initially unaware, are sucked in to the danger resulting in devastation. This is especially the case regarding the character of Veronica Quaife although it seems that in this scenario, both parties involved had the best intentions and both were unaware of the horror which was to follow. When Brundle asks Veronica to come and look at the project he is working on both characters has ulterior motives, Brundle wants sex and Quaife wants a story for particle magazine. Brundles project is one of teleportation; he is on the verge of mastering teleportation via the use of two pods. Brundle and Veronica go back to his workshop, when they arrive outside the building he lives in the building is dark made of brick and has no discerning fea tures as are the majority of Cronenbergs choice of location throughout his career. The dark building where inside the viewer knows that scientific horror waits. In Rabid (1977) it was the use of a plastic surgery clinic, an apartment block in Shivers (1976) and in The Fly it is an old red brick mill type building. Muir (2007) claims that Veronicas effect on Brundles work is one of humanization, initially it is seen that Brundle has the single minded focus of an insect already, in one particular scene Veronica looks in Seths wardrobe only to encounter five sets of the same clothes. Brundle states that this is purely so he will not have to expend energy worrying unnecessarily about what he is wearing, thus allowing him to concentrate fully on his work. Veronica teaches Brundle about Flesh and about with that comes feelings that seem to have eluded Brundle throughout his manhood; feelings of love and passion are intermingled with anger jealousy over Veronicas suspected continuation of a relationship with her former lover. This is not the case however and we learn early on that veronica wants nothing more to do with Stathis (John Getz) who also happens to be her boss at the magazine. It is this drunken and jealous rage that leads Seth to decide to use his teleportation pods to transport himself. A s shown to the audience previously transporting living flesh has not gone well to say the least, initially the transportation of a baboon led to the baboon being turned inside out. Metaphorically speaking the baboon incident coincided with the introduction of Veronica into Brundles life, figuratively speaking it was not just the baboon that was turned inside out but also Seths life. Brundle tries teleporting a baboon with devastating results (The Fly, 1986) Without the introduction of Veronica it is assumed that uncalculated risk would not enter into Brundles research however fueled by alcohol and jealousy he decides to transport himself in the pods. Whilst entering the transportation pod Brundle fails to notice a fly has entered in with him. As the door seals the audience realize, so is Brundles fate. It is at this point that Cronenbergs film becomes a story about the frailty of human flesh and as with the major body of his work a metaphoric tale of disease, loss and the relationship between human and machine. As Brundle leaves Pod B he feels more alive than he has before unaware that the computer has fused, on a genetic level, both himself and the fly together in to what Seth refers to as, Brundlefly. Seths behavior gradually becomes more animalistic; he becomes more sexually aggressive, stronger and exhibits more risky behavior. Brundle thinks that he has somehow purified himself, by going through the machine and being pieced back together he somehow thinks that the computer has improved him. It becomes apparent to Veronica that maybe things are not quite right with Seth after the discovery of coarse black hair growing out of Seths back. After Veronica has the hairs medically examined it transpires that they are insect hairs. Seth is in denial and tells Veronica that, Ive become free, Im released and you cant stand it. Hairs sprouting from the back of Seth Brundle (The Fly, 1986) When Veronica points out that Seth is not well he retaliates by going to a bar with the sole purpose of finding another woman to have sex with. in a scene which seems to encapsulate both Brundles new found animalistic masculinity and his wanting to take his anger and hurt out on another being he enters into an arm wrestling match. He bets the men one hundred dollars and the hand of the girl at the bar who is with the men. Brundle starts to arm wrestle, white almost sperm like fluid seeps from his hand as he wrestles the man. With little effort, Seth breaks the bigger mans arm and walks off with the girl. Cronenberg yet again punishes promiscuity like he has done in previous films such as Shivers and Rabid. In the case of Brundlefly a combination of promiscuous behavior and risky scientific procedure leads to Brundlefly becoming diseased in a very noticeable way. The transformation of Brundle into Brundlefly at least at first seems to replicate the physical characteristics of AIDS. De rry states that: In Cronenbergs, movie the scientists early manifestation of bodily change resemble the skin lesions of Kaposis sarcoma, the cancer so common in the early stages of AIDS-related immune dysfunction. As these changes transform him into something monstrous-looking that even his girlfriend recoils from. (Derry, 2009) Lesions on Brundles face, similar to Kaposis sarcoma (The Fly, 1986) Derry is making the point that within the context of a horror film Cronenberg is asking a profound question on whether or not we as a society can show compassion for the degradation of people who are suffering from debilitating disease. By ignoring or failing to embrace these people due to revulsion are we becoming monsters ourselves? Veronica shows us that she is a strong and compassionate character by comforting Brundlefly even though to the viewer he has become a repulsive monster. Cronenberg has said that: The AIDS connection is very superficial. I see it (The Fly) as talking about mortality, about our vulnerability and the tradgedy of human loss (Cronenberg) This may well be the case but in the context of which the film was released it seems no doubt inevitable that viewers would link the film with the AIDS paranoia of the nineteen eighties. Seth Brundle states in the film that, I seem to be afflicted by a disease with a purpose, wouldnt you say. In a social context at the time HIV and AIDs were misunderstood diseases with a lack of education, especially from the government and public misinformation and rumours adding to the fear felt by the public. Cronenberg has yet again tapped into the fear of the unknown. Speculation about the films hidden meanings and metaphors certainly helped gain public interest for the film and to garner huge box office success for the director. In one particular dream sequence there is scene involving a pregnant Veronica giving birth in the hospital. The surgeon, who in this case is none other than the director himself, pulls what the audience are led to believe a baby from Veronicas womb. Amidst the screening the audience, as well as veronica see for the first time that this is no ordinary baby and she has given birth to a baby/maggot hybrid. This reflects the fear of the public during the AIDS crisis, what if my unborn baby is infected? What if somehow my baby is different? Cronenbergs cameo as a surgeonas he pulls the maggot baby from Veronica. (The Fly, 1986) Jà ¼rgen Mà ¼ller, Herbert Klemens (2003) Claim that, along with several other films of the eighties, The Fly is dealing with the theme of a person, in this case Brundle, looking for the Lost Secret the need for a person to become something which they are not. In the case of The Fly Cronenberg has touched on this theme but as is usual for the director the theme is based around the fact that if anyone tries to transgress the boundaries set by nature they will be found guilty of hubris, punishment in the case of Seth Brundle is creeping dissolution. Once he has felt how perfect a specimen he can be as a man, once he has achieved this greatness the only possible way for the character to go is down.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Macbeths Conscience in Shakespeares Macbeth Essay -- essays research
William Shakespeare’s seventeenth century tragedy, Macbeth, tells the story of Macbeth, whose ambition leads him to murder his close friends. In the play, he is told that he will become king, but to speed up the process he is convinced to kill the current king, Duncan. Although he is portrayed as a vile, evil character, the scene before he murders Duncan, his thoughts after the murder, and his encounters with his friend’s ghost show that Macbeth truly is a man of conscience. After his wife encourages Macbeth to kill King Duncan when he visits their home, Macbeth truly considers the idea. Shakespeare allows his character to mull over the act and consequences in a soliloquy which, â€Å"not only weighs the possible bad practical consequences of his act but shows him perfectly aware, in a way an evil man would not be, of moral values involved: ‘First I am his kinsman and subject Strong as both against the deed, then as his host, Who should against his murderers shut the door Not bear the knife myself’†(Scott 156) Macbeth is fully aware of the crime he commits. Before comm... Macbeth's Conscience in Shakespeare's Macbeth Essay -- essays research William Shakespeare’s seventeenth century tragedy, Macbeth, tells the story of Macbeth, whose ambition leads him to murder his close friends. In the play, he is told that he will become king, but to speed up the process he is convinced to kill the current king, Duncan. Although he is portrayed as a vile, evil character, the scene before he murders Duncan, his thoughts after the murder, and his encounters with his friend’s ghost show that Macbeth truly is a man of conscience. After his wife encourages Macbeth to kill King Duncan when he visits their home, Macbeth truly considers the idea. Shakespeare allows his character to mull over the act and consequences in a soliloquy which, â€Å"not only weighs the possible bad practical consequences of his act but shows him perfectly aware, in a way an evil man would not be, of moral values involved: ‘First I am his kinsman and subject Strong as both against the deed, then as his host, Who should against his murderers shut the door Not bear the knife myself’†(Scott 156) Macbeth is fully aware of the crime he commits. Before comm...
Monday, November 11, 2019
India Against Corruption Essay
According to the Oxford Dictionary, corruption is dishonesty and illegal behavior by people in positions of authority or power. India was ranked 94th out of 176 countries in Transparency International’s, Corruption Perception Index, 2012 on 5th December, 2012. Most of us may have had, at some point or the other in our life, a firsthand experience of offering bribes, using our contacts or influencing people to get work done in government offices or to get jobs in the public sector. Therefore, corruption is not a new term for anyone. As far as handling or trying to stall corruption in India is concerned, one needs to get to the root cause of corruption, and then try to cut the roots in order to handle the whole entity. Another way of curbing corruption is to limit the role of the government in various fields. The causes of corruption in India include excessive regulations, improper tax structure, complicated licensing systems, lack of transparency in the laws, monopoly by some of the government institutions, discretionary powers in the hands of government departments. In order to handle corruption, one needs to aim at removing these causes. Social activists like Anna Hazare have been working against corruption, but not much success has been achieved. But are these entities really working in the interest of the people is an issue that needs to be pondered upon. It has also been pointed that many prominent figures have had illegal money in the Swiss Banks; such things have been widely covered on the social media, but nevertheless have gone unheeded. Anti corruption laws, Anti corruption police and courts, Anti corruption organizations; all exist in India. These have been formed to bring corruption to a manageable level so that one can give a thought to eliminating corruption. According to some economists, corruption adversely affects the growth rate. It has devastating consequences on the economy. Therefore efforts must be taken to stall it. If there is less of red tape, bribery is eliminated, reduction in interference of government in the private sector is ensured, there is ethical bureaucracy and a proper tax structure and licensing system is ensured and most importantly stringent action against corrupt officials is taken; Corruption can be managed to a certain level. A mass movement though can also be the remedy, just like the one that Mahatma Gandhi led during independence. Since charity begins at home, we must try to check ourselves before we point fingers at others and therefore not indulge in any corrupt malpractices.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Devoid of life Essays
Devoid of life Essays Devoid of life Paper Devoid of life Paper Roughly 126-127 thousand cubic kilometres is contained in lakes, rivers and streams (Clarke 1993: 8; Marshak and Prothero 2001: 479). Water inter-reacts with the three other spheres and can erode rock using onshore wave action or flood movement, transporting material as with moraines or lahars (Gomez et al. 2002: 217-222), warm or cool the atmosphere, and is essential to life. The hydrological cycle The hydrological cycle is the movement of water from reservoir to reservoir Passing through both nonliving and living entities (Marshak and Prothero 2001: 713). The hydrological cycle is significant because: Water is present in the atmosphere in only miniscule amounts, but it plays an important role in the aquatic environment by providing the precipitation to replenish the groundwater and surface water reservoirs (Kemp 2004: 57). Fig. 5: The Water Cycle (Wikipedia contributors 2006b) The hydrological cycle is complex, with many possible paths, Figure 5 illustrates this showing various mechanisms for moving water between bodies, such as evaporation from the ocean, run-off into the ocean, transpiration into the atmosphere, subsurface flow and infiltration. Global environmental change Global environmental change is the transformation or modification of both physical and biological components of the Earth system through time (Marshak and Prothero 2001: 708). It is an ever-present and complex process (Kemp 2004: 465), it is not a human creation. It has taken 3. 8 billion years for the global environment to change enough to support life on land. Global environmental change is a long-term process, although short term events may be noted in ones lifetime (Kemp 1994: 181), such as when wells in Canterbury that have never been dry before are drying up, or rivers running dry (Kent 2006: A17; Rodgers 2006: A17). Over time the polar ice caps and tropical rain forest have expanded and contracted (Marshak and Prothero 2001: 694), and the flora and fauna of the planet has changed accordingly (Kemp 2004: 76). There have been numerous human impacts on global environmental change through the ages including firestick farming, which saw the deforestation of large tracts as humans came into contact with pristine habitats (Flannery 2002: 222-223). Since the beginning of the industrial era, circa 1800, large volumes of sink materials have been released into the atmosphere and hydrosphere as by-products of mechanisation and urbanisation, as illustrated in Figure 6, exacerbated by the population growth which they have enabled (Kemp 2004: 125-128). Fig 6. The Present Carbon Cycle, showing the annual 5. 5 gigatons of fossil fuel emissions (UNEP 1996b) Industrially produced aerosols have caused global dimming (Sturman and Tapper 2006: 474) and in many regions acid rain from sulphur dioxide and photochemical smog from nitrogen oxides or volatile organic compounds (Kemp 2004: 321). Currently the anthropogenic impacts of most concern are global warming and ozone depletion. Global warming Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, along with water vapour, methane, and twenty other gases are responsible for the greenhouse effect which is the term given to the capture of outgoing terrestrial radiation, and the subsequent retention of heat by the atmosphere, as illustrated in Figure 7. (Kemp 1994: 16). Fig. 7: The Greenhouse Effect (UNEP 1996a) The level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is increasing, as illustrated in Figure 8, as result of burning fossil fuels and tropical deforestation (Sturman and Tapper 2006: 20). Fig. 8: The increasing global atmospheric concentrations of CO2 (UNEP 1999) This has disrupted the equilibrium of the carbon cycle (Kemp 1994: 145) and global means surfaces temperatures have risen 0. 6 +/-0. 2 ? C during the twentieth century (Sturman and Tapper 2006: 462-463), although significant temperature fluctuations have occurred in the past ten thousand years: Before the human impact on the climatic environment was globally significant, and were caused by natural variability in the earth/atmosphere system. In contrast, modern global warming appears to have been initiated by human activities that have caused what at first sight seem to be relatively minor changes in the composition of the atmosphere. (Kemp 2004: 374). The effects of global warming in the ocean and atmosphere are evidenced in more intense tropical storm activity (which is generated by the intense heat gathered from the ocean), melting of the polar caps and glaciers, (with a significant rise in sea level and associated decrease in salinity), and increased water scarcity, as in Africa (where 80 per cent of dry land now suffers from desertification (Smith 2001: 300) and water allocation is becoming more contested. (Sichingabula and Sikazwe 1999: 297)). One of the problems in predicting global warming is the limited data available (Sturman and Tapper 2006: 430). The ozone hole As mentioned earlier ozone keeps out ultraviolet radiation, and is necessary for life. The ozone hole is a naturally occurring feature in the stratosphere over Antarctica which coincides with the Southern spring. As a result of the production of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) by human industrial processes, ozone is being destroyed at an accelerated rate, and the ozone hole has grown, as illustrated in Figure 9. Once scientists were aware of the existence of the ozone hole CFC production was curtailed, although there has not been sufficient time to observe if this is of benefit (Kemp 2004: 366-374). In this essay the Earths biogeochemical cycle has been assessed as a closed system that exists with finite resources. The parts of the biogeochemical cycle have been identified as the atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere; with these all these four parts inter-reacting, and the elements within them circulating in an ongoing, dynamic series of complex exchanges. Natural processes identified inside the biogeochemical cycle include vulcanism, the ozone cycle, the production of oxygen by biospheric organism, and the necessity of maintaining the water cycle due to the critical importance of fresh drinkable water, which is relatively scarce, for terrestrial life. Global environmental change is the ongoing transformation over time of the worlds land surfaces; water, both in form and availability; the atmosphere, in terms of its chemical makeup, temperature fluctuations and climate change; and the responding flora and fauna adaptations. Changes in the biogeochemical cycle directly affect global environmental change, as illustrated in the increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels and subsequent warming, and ozone depletion. In the last two hundred year there has been a massive increase in the human impact on the global environment as a result of industrialisation and deforestation, disrupting the biogeochemical cycles, and on the basis of current trends human impact upon the process needs to be brought into check. It would seem that unless humans can become more bio-friendly global environmental change will accelerate. There will not be a biogeochemical cycle equilibrium conducive to habitation: there will not be sustainable growth for everyone, food for everyone and water for everyone as the biosphere could be devoid of life.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
The White Devil Essays
The White Devil Essays The White Devil Essay The White Devil Essay In act 2, playwright John Webster uses a framed narrative to portray the deaths of Isabella and Camillo, creating a psychological horror rather than a graphical one. Through the use of a conjuror, Webster manages to show deaths via ‘sophistic tricks’ from the ‘nigromancer’. By using this character as another narrator, a certain distance is created between the audience and the actions on scene, allowing the minds of the audience to wander, questioning the events that led up to the murders, and perhaps whether the conjuror’s visions were accurate or not. In addition, Brachiano’s indifferent response to the death, calling it ‘excellent’ may make the audience horrified by his ignorance of the brutal murders. Further horror is present in the irony of Isabella’s demise as she ‘kisses†¦thrice’ the portrait of the very man who plotted to murder her, a tragic end to a character who seemed to be completely pure. Perhaps Webster uses this as a ‘shock tactic’, making a Catholic Jacobean audience question whether a higher power is really protecting them if they would allow the archetype of goodness die in such a manner. This thought would have resonated in the 17th century as new discoveries in sciences such as astronomy may have made many wonder whether ‘believers’ were actually any better than ‘non-believers’. Brachiano definitely has the qualities of a villainous ‘non-believer’ taken to a hyperbolic level, severing any ties with the chaste Isabella, referring to the man that married her as just a ‘dead shadow’ of himself. Such a strong characterization plays into the psyche of the audience; especially those with faith in religion, making them question whether worldly desires are worth the suffering they will have to face in Hell. Brachiano’s character, therefore, can be juxtaposed with Isabella’s, whose death showed the evil of society, but whose faith will lead her into heaven. This contrasting set of character force the audience into a dichotomy, almost making them choose between heaven or hell, all of which is done very subtly, and with no graphic imagery illustrating either side. This concept is relatable to the dark comedy and satire in this section of the play too. The state of Camillo’s corpse ‘folded double as ‘twere under the horse’ is possibly a sexual reference to his sexual inadequacy and a humiliating way to show that he was cuckolded. The ease at which the conjuror planned this murder and the casual tone of conversation he has with Brachiano is almost unsettling, which makes one wonder what other perverted ideas does society think of that is not shared with the public. The sense that all these characters are part of a debauched society is present again when Brachiano refers to politcians as â€Å"asses in foot cloth[s]’ and the conjuror says that Camillo has a ‘politic face’. This shows the corruption in the 1st and 2nd estate, making the audience question whether these hateful figures of government have only immorality in common. Underlying these comic dumb shows with such rhetorical questions truly makes the audience question whether it is moral to find these scenes amusing. The audiences morality is once again called into question when they desire to know more about the details of Isabella and Camillo’s death which, like Brachiano, they ‘taste not fully. ’ The audience may be facing another dilemma when they consider that such injustice in society may be happening all around them, quite horrific to know that such exaggerated scenes may be very real.
Monday, November 4, 2019
What are the tradeoffs between relational and object-oriented Essay
What are the tradeoffs between relational and object-oriented databases and database management systems - Essay Example This section also outlines tradeoffs between relational, object-oriented databases and database management systems. RDBMSs (Relational Database Management Systems) have been offering excellent services and benefits to their users; however this achievement is incomplete as well as limited to only some kinds of applications. In view of the fact that the business clients adopt latest versions of systems, as well as develop to previous ones, their efforts to make use of RDBMS come across the "Relational Wall," where RDBMS technology is no longer capable to offer the functionality and services required by the users. Additionally, users face this barrier when they try to enlarge information models to sustain associations among data, novel data types, extensible data types, and straight support of data objects. In the same way, the barrier can take place when implementing database in distributed environments through complicated processes. On the other hand, attempts to resolve these issues with relational technology cause an explosion of tables, a lot of joins, deprived performance, unfortunate scalability as well as loss of integrity. Thus, ODBMSs present a path further than the wall (Objectivity, Inc., 2005). Additionally, the emergence of new generation of Relational Database Management Systems has offered a lot of advantages to clients. These advantages comprise unplanned query, self-governing data from logical application, and a variety of front-end GUI (graphical user interface) systems. In addition, it has also offered many business applications, as well as the business sector has expended to over $4B yearly, comprising tools. There is a question that why we should look beyond RDBMSs? We should perform so simply when essential to capability and support of new types of systems, new associations, distribution, media data types as well as scalability. In reality, the majority of systems and applications have never made use of RDBMSs, and a lot of applications that have utilized RDMBS are now searching for other options, like that ODBMSs (Objectivity, Inc., 2005). In addition, the relational databases have offered a high-quality service in a lot of customary database systems. Despite the fact that, in many scenarios for instance when it is complicated to deal with information, or when superior efficiency is needed (i.e. objects having anonymous identifiers, or objects going from one type to another, etc.), or when we need to manage non-conventional data (such as images, long texts, etc.), additional techniques need to be implemented. Normally, these techniques include object-oriented or semantic databases. Additionally, the semantic database models are object oriented database models. Moreover, they present, a variety of levels, a lot of characteristics of semantic models, in the form of conceptual information, as well as, purify a number of behavioral characteristics of the data (Rishe, 2010). However, if a RDBMS can resolve our problems without numerous efforts as well as offers the required results, efficiency and scalability then there is no need to utilize an ODBMS. If some of the below given situations are convened then we should think about using ODBMS. Belo w are some of the important reasons that require us to make use of RDBMS: (Objectivity, Inc., 2011) Complicated Relationships: If we are having numerous many-to-many relationships in our database, tree arrangements or network (graph) formations (Objectivity, Inc., 2011). Complicated Data Arrangement: If the data has numerous changeable length parts, such as arrays of structures, multi-dimensional arrays or binary streams (Objectivity, In
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Methods of Motivations (for minimum wage employees), Term Paper - 1
Methods of Motivations (for minimum wage employees), - Term Paper Example One of the most effect methods of motivation is use fair salaries and wages. The employees will always be motivated when they are paid high wages and salaries. The employer can increase the morale of the employees by paying them more than the other firms are paying their employees. The advantage of this method is that it very effective in increasing the morale of the employees. The disadvantage is that it increases the cost of production for the firm. The other monetary incentive is the pay of bonus. The employees will be motivated if the employers give bonus for the work done. In most cases, the higher the quality of work did the higher the bonus. Employees will always work hard to get bigger bonuses. The advantage is that the firm that gives bonus workers will always work extra hard to earn bonus. The other monetary incentive that is very effective is the overtime payment. Overtime payment is the payment made for workers who work extra hours besides the normal working hours. Monetary incentives will increase the morale of the workers. The advantage of this method is that workers will work extra hard to earn overtime payment. The disadvantage is that it increases the cost of production for the firm. Some of the benefits that firms can give to motivate its workers are the retirement plan-pension plan. Each worker would want to have this plan to get their money after they retire. Many employees will be motivated to works hard because the company offers those benefits like pension plan benefits. Allowances are very effective in motivation of employees. Firms give different allowances depending on the financial status of the firm. Some of the allowances include the medical allowances. Many employees will be motivated to works hard because the company offers those allowances like medical allowances. The medical allowance is the money that the firm is willing to pay for the
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